GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $238 third payment.
"I used some of my recent transfer to buy 20 bags of cement to plaster my house and use the balance for my son school fees"
View Theresa's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I am hoping to put up a new permanent decent spacious house. The current one is quite small, I have been putting some of my items under trees which is not safe. Also, it's a semi-permanent one and I feel it's high time I transform. I believe once I will be able to build this house, it will last longer and I will have enough space for all my belonging to prevent theft and damage."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"In my opinion, the organisation did a very good job by fulfilling all their promises made during the enrolment. One of them is sending unconditional cash transfers into our Mpesa accounts. This was the best because it enhanced transparency and there were low cases of theft and bribery."
View Dama's
2 years ago
received a $434 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did a great job by assembling all the beneficiaries and educating them about Mpesa. That was so helpful to me because I was not conversant with this platform. They are light and I found it easier during the withdrawal period. I do not see anything that needs a change."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $434 second payment.
"I hope to raise enough money so that I can smoothly pay for all my children's school fees without straining. This is the only valuable inheritance I can offer them since I do not any assets to depend on. Also, I believe that once they will all get a better education, life will be promising to them together with their generation."
View Furaha's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I commend Give Directly for giving me unconditional cash transfers. The money alleviated the hardships that my family was facing by providing them with food and paying school fees for my children. Additionally, when I fell ill, the cash covered my hospital expenses. If it were not for Give Directly, am not sure what would have happened to my health. Though am not yet healed, am afraid the condition would have deteriorated had I failed to receive treatment. According to me, there is nothing that the organization could improve on. "
View Kazungu's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"My focus right now is working on my health and getting the necessary treatment for the tumor that was diagnosed a couple of years ago. What saddens me is lacking resources and funds for the treatment process. The little money my son makes from his casual jobs can hardly put daily meals on the table. This is why I started rearing livestock that could help raise cash for my medication. "
View Kauchi's
2 years ago
received a $434 second payment.
"According to me, Give Directly is doing a significant job of giving people from poor communities unconditional cash. I have seen how these transfers have transformed people’s living standards in my village. Many have built houses, bought livestock, and supported the education of their children. I only wish that my two sons would have benefited from the transfers as well because they are going through a tough time providing for their children. "
View Kazungu's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"Since I cannot actively involve myself in strenuous activities to generate an income and help provide for my needs, I wish to start raising livestock. Am glad that the cash transfer helped me to acquire poultry, which I have been rearing to date. My aim is to further the venture by owning goats and cows, as I could easily sell these animals in the future to raise more money. "
View Sadaka's
2 years ago
received a $434 second payment.
"Giving cash to people affected by poverty is the most significant job that Give Directly does. Personally, I have achieved a lot that could otherwise not have been possible were it not for Give Directly. I built a house for my sons and put regular meals on the table courtesy of cash transfers. From where I stand, there is nothing that Give Directly could improve on. "
View Katsaka's