GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Amina's family
access_time 2 years ago
Amina received a $27 sixth payment.
"I enrolled in a beauty therapy course, and I intend to finish it this year. I have given myself the objective of saving my monthly payments as live assets to open a beauty salon. Therefore, I aim to buy and raise goats from my monthly transfers. Since I still do not have any child, I hope and believe that by raising livestock, I easily will support my children's education easily when they come. As a result, our struggle as a family in supporting the children to attain formal education will have drastically reduced then."
Sanita's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sanita received a $419 second payment.
"I am planning to hire a tractor to assist in farming my piece of land of 10 acres, which is about kshs 50,000. I do subsistence farming for a living and when it is done by casual workers it is time-consuming and very expensive. I am expecting to have a good life, with the good rains I will harvest about 25 bags of maize and beans, of which I will use part of it for consumption while the rest will be for sale. I will therefore open a savings account for my children's school fees. This will help in paying school fees in advance and I am expecting them to have good grades which will be a factor when choosing the best courses to undertake in college education. I am having an additional goal of buying a brand-new motorcycle on loan. It costs kshs 400,000. This is meant for business purposes, especially during online deliveries."
Sammy's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sammy received a $433 second payment.
"I do subsistence farming for a living. I am planning to start up a small business supplying maize to boarding schools. I usually do it although to homesteads on order. In the near future, I will be expanding and mostly the deliveries will be done by the motorcyclist as they will be in large quantities. The profits from the business will be taking care of my kids' school fees."
Mercy's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mercy received a $418 second payment.
"I have been a businessman for so many years. In the near future and beyond, I am planning to start up boutique shops which deal with women's dresses. It has high demand as women tend to buy clothes on a daily basis. I am also planning to do subsistence farming whereby I will be mostly concentrating on farming maize, when produced, I will be supplying it in boarding schools. My family is still young, I will therefore use the profits earned to save for my children's school fees as well as basic needs like food and clothing."
Jumaa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jumaa received a $418 second payment.
"According to my opinion, what Give Directly does so well is that they give out unconditional transfers, different people have different needs, and we have the freedom how to spend the transfers so long as it is something that does not harm us together with community members. The transfers are given in lump sum amounts and this helps in planning purposes in terms of the developments that we would wish to engage in at a personal level. Unlike other projects where it is given in small amounts. To avoid household conflict, what needs to be done differently is enrolling all the individuals in the household. During enrollment, those individuals who did not have responsibilities by then were left out of the program yet these are the same people who steal from their old and vulnerable parents. Another thing that needs to be done differently is enrolling all the communities in a specific village for uniformity purposes and this will prevent too many complaints coming from the communities that are left out during the registration to the programs"
John's family
access_time 2 years ago
John received a $420 second payment.
"I had wanted for a long time to try my hand at poultry farming. Primarily, layers are needed for the egg business. I purchased 15 of them, thanks to the transfers from GiveDirectly. We sell and eat them domestically as well. An egg goes for $0.13, while a tray fetches $3.9. The funds found me when my main source of income was the quarry at home where I sell stones. I sell a truck load for $10 and add it to the maize we grow and sell from our 50 by 100-meter farm with my wife. To relieve us of the burden of paying school fees, I planned to use some of the funds to pay for my four children's tuition. My oldest child is in Form 4 and my second child is in Form 2, both at the same school. My third and forth children are in the same primary school again, and I'm in grades 7 and 3, respectively. Their fees are $80 each per term for the two in secondary and $40 and $5 each per term for the two youngest, respectively. The funds were a major blessing in that they allowed us to move our family forward as a whole and make lasting purchases that would impact our lives positively."
Angeline's family
access_time 2 years ago
Angeline received a $420 second payment.
"It had been a longtime dream of mine to one day own my own piece of land. a patch of dirt that I could call my own and one day pass over to my kids. GiveDirectly made that dream a reality by sending me those transfers. I was able to purchase a plot of land measuring 50 by 100 meters, which I can develop at my leisure. Having separated from my husband in 2008, I have been both mother and father to my kids. Hence, clothes and food were purchases that were essential to us as a household. I set aside some of the funds from GiveDirectly for this. Considering I only depend on the maize I sell at $60 per sack, the funds were crucial in allowing me to pay my kids' tuition fees. My second child is in Form 4 and needs $220 per term in school fees. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I was able to clear this with no problem. My firstborn is a boda boda operator and runs his own shop as well in Sibunya village. When my husband left me and married two wives, I was unsure how my life would ever play out, but thanks to GiveDirectly, I now have something to show for my hard work. I am eternally grateful."
Joseah's family
access_time 2 years ago
Joseah received a second payment.
"My greatest dream as a parent would be for my kids to complete their education and set out to make better lives than we have offered them. My wife and I would wish nothing more than to see them stable and happy."
Eric's family
access_time 2 years ago
Eric received a third payment.
"Givedirectly provided direct cash to us without passing the money through the government. They did excellent work by making sure everyone received their transfer and was checked on every time."
Konah's family
access_time 2 years ago
Konah received a $244 third payment.
"Givedirectly work is extremely beautiful, their love for humans is rare.They always check on us to make sure we are receiving the money ourselves and what we are doing or intend to use it for, which I admire."