GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"When I received my second transfer, I used $500 to cement the floor of our main house. I then used the remaining amount of $50 to buy clothes and food for my family. We had had to live in a house with uncemented floor for quite a long time since we had no money to complete it. The subsistence farming that I relied on could provide us with just enough to feed my family and meet other basic household needs. With seven children who look up to us to meet most of their needs, we could not raise money enough to bring our construction to completion. I am so happy that with GiveDirectly transfers we have been able to bring the construction work to completion. My husband who does odd casual jobs to support the family needs could not raise such money too and we were not sure of when this project could come to its completion."
View Betty's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"When I received my second transfer recently, I used $200 to pay school fees for my children and used another $100 to buy a heifer. I then used another $70 to clear debts that had accumulated over time. Being a single mother of four who depends largely on casual labour to earn some income, things have not been very easy for me and my family. I have had to rely on small business and odd casual jobs to earn a living and paying school fees for my children has been one toll order for me. I felt happy and lucky to have been part of the people benefitting from this program and will forever be invented for what it has done in my life. Debts that had stayed for a long time without being cleared is now settled and I cannot explain the amount of joy that came with this."
View Selina's
2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"The enrollment was done well without any discrimination and most of the people who qualified to receive the transfer spent it well. Most people build better houses and even invested in dairy-keeping projects. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View Lezebeth's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I wish to focus on dairy production and ensure that I have enough feeds for my cow because this would increase milk production. I will sell the surplus milk and get some income to meet my basic household income."
View Leah's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I spent $200 on paying school fees for my son who has just completed his secondary school studies. He used to be sent home and when I received the transfer I paid all the pending arrears. He was able to study well without being sent home like before. I am so happy because I was able to do this without much struggle like before. I spent $300 on purchasing timber, and nails to build a better house. We lived in a mud house before, The house was so old and I had always wished to renovate it but I did not have the money. We were being exposed to dusty particles and the house could fall on us anytime. I am so grateful because now we live in a better and more spacious house. The remaining amount of money I spent on food and basic household needs that we were lacking. GiveDirectly has changed our living standards to be much better than before."
View Kipngetich's
2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I spent $230 on paying school fees for my two grandchildren who are in secondary school. They used to be sent home and this was so demoralizing to see them staying at home while others are studying. I paid their school fees and they are currently studying well without being disturbed like before. I spent $250 on purchasing a dairy cow, This is because I used to buy milk daily and it was so costly for me. Currently, I no longer buy milk and the money that I would have used on milk I spent on other household basic needs. I spent the remaining amount of money I spend on food, clothes and household items that we were missing. I am so grateful because GiveDirectly has improved our standard of living."
View Joseph's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I spent a fraction of my second transfer on buying new bedding which includes, a wooden bed and two mattresses. These had to be a priority because I have been sleeping on the floor for quite some time and the experience was not good at all. Sometimes, I could fail to perform my daily duties because of the pain that I have been undergoing. I now feel relieved for finally being able to sleep on a decent bed ever since I were born. Later on, I cleared fees of $330 for my two children in secondary school. I use to pledge that I would pay the money on time but it never happened because ody status. Therefore all the teachers could no longer trust me which affected my children since they were on and off. I am thankful for finally being able to clear the arrears for the whole academic year. They will study comfortably without any disturbances. I am however certain that their performance shall improve. With the remaining amount, I bought food for my eight family members."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I spent part of my second transfer on buying a few building materials like iron sheets and poles at $300. I purchased them purposely for the renovation of my house since it had a leaky old roof and weak walls. I was so worried that it would collapse anytime. During the rainy days, it was hectic because we could be rained on terribly and sometimes forced to squeeze into one corner of the house till the rains stop. It has been so tough and this equally affects my children healthwise. I now feel happy and enjoying my marriage for the first time courtesy of GiveDirectly. Later on, I bought a new mattress which was to replace the mats that I have been using for over twenty years. The pains that I have been going through are unexplainable. I am thankful to this organisation to come into my life at the time I needed them the most. With the remaining, I bought new uniforms as well as food for my six family members. Being in a polygamous marriage has never been easy because my spouse is old therefore on most days, we would go without food."
View Kana's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well by sending unconditional cash transfers to our Mpesa accounts directly. This was the best idea ever because we never experience bribery or theft cases as a result. From the previous experience we had with them previous organisations I felt this was the safest. I therefore can't mention anything that they need to rectify, all went well."
View Dama's
2 years ago
received a $420 second payment.
"I hope to raise enough money that will empower me enough for all my seven children who are in primary school. Being a widow who relies on casual jobs, I feel this is the most valuable gift for my children considering I never got a chance to go to school. I believe that once they all graduate, they will be in a position to grab good jobs hence eradicating poverty."
View Shida's