GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Alex's family
access_time 2 years ago
Alex received a $244 fourth payment.
"Givedirectly is a good organization and im happy to be a part of this family"
Mark's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mark received a $244 fourth payment.
"Givedirectly has done well for me because I couldn't afford to send my three children to school and they were here with me.However, the unconditional cash transfer that I received through Givedirectly, my children are in school in kanweaken."
Stanley's family
access_time 2 years ago
Stanley received a $418 second payment.
"My ambition for the coming year and beyond is to expand my business and earn more money. This was previously not possible due to financial constraints, as my top priority was paying my children's school fees. To achieve this goal, I plan to save money from my business every day after I finish paying my school fees. My dream will come true, and my future will be brighter, I am confident, with hard work and dedication."
Sharon's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sharon received a $418 second payment.
"The funds from GiveDirectly found me at a most opportune time. I had been wanting to expand my poultry farming, and the transfers allowed me to do so. I added 5 chickens to my coup. With these new additions, I will have more produce to take to market and, as such, earn more revenue. I then proceeded to finally construct my two-bedroom house. I had long wanted to do so but had always been short of funds. Having built the house, the next big step was getting a 3,000-liter water tank and fitting it to the existing water supply at the new house. I also planned on stocking up on food. I bought a lot of maize grain to last us for awhile, despite growing some on my own farm. Despite having a two-acre farm, the drought had left little maize for harvesting. My husband, who works casual jobs on construction sites, earns $6 per day, when he can get one, and it hasn't been easy making ends meet on that. As such, the funds were a great blessing to us, even allowing me to pay in advance the $10 for lunch that is needed for our son, who just started PP1."
Kaduche's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kaduche received a $433 initial payment.
"It was around 10 am while I was preparing some lunch for my children who had gone to school when I received a message on my phone. Since I am illiterate, my daughter-in-law who was with me at home was of great help in translating the message for me. When she informed me what the message was all about, I jumped and ululated in happiness. The information that I had received $550 from GiveDirectly into my account was the source of all my happiness. My heart broke down at thanksgiving for receiving such a huge amount of money at once."
Pola's family
access_time 2 years ago
Pola received a $433 initial payment.
"The biggest impact the money has had on my life is that I was able to pay off a sizable debt owed by my daughter for unpaid school fees. I used to spend my sleepless nights worrying about how to make the most money and pay off this enormous debt, but now that I have the transfers, I am relieved and filled with the peace of mind knowing that my daughter will learn uninterrupted. I am thankful for the chance to rest and improve my health because after receiving the transfers, I took a break from the difficult and time-consuming task of selling charcoal. This allowed me to temporarily regain my energy before going back to my regular job."
Bustabi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Bustabi enrolled.
"What a life! I really work hard but do not gain much this because I sometimes have the seeds but no fertilisers and I end up having poor yields, I got a loan from SACCO which I used to buy seeds and fertilisers and as the crops were flourishing flash floods washed them away this frustrated me, SACCO took my assets which they sold to make up for their money. I ended up making a loss , I therefore consider financial constraints as my biggest challenge."
Chengo's family
access_time 2 years ago
Chengo received a $27 fourteenth payment.
"I have been saving part of the monthly transfers in order to buy a second-hand motorcycle that I was offered. A friend who is employed by a neighbor to provide taxi services has been giving me the motorcycle to use, though not daily. I do not have any job currently, and were it not for his help, it would have been hard for me to provide for my family. My goal currently is to ensure that I save enough, top up my savings with a small loan, and buy a second-hand motorcycle. Having my own motorcycle will be advantageous to me because I will not be paying hiring expenses to anyone."
Selina's family
access_time 2 years ago
Selina received a $27 sixth payment.
"I currently have five children enrolled in school, and as their parent, my goal is to see them excel in their education. I am a single parent with no income, so raising fees for them has not been easy. Even providing food for them has been a challenge. My objective is to use the monthly transfers to pay for their education in order to avoid them being discontinued."
Zawadi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Zawadi received a $27 tenth payment.
"In December of last year, I completed my O'level, and currently, I am just at home. Before the year began, I set out a goal to save money to raise my college fees because I had desired from my childhood to be a journalist. I intend to enroll in college in the latter part of this year to pursue a degree in mass communication. My desire to become a news anchor has motivated me to put in more effort. I will save a proportion of my transfers to realize this goal is fulfilled as long as I continue to obtain my monthly transfer."