GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"My house's roof has been in bad shape for quite some time, and I have not been able to renovate it. I did not have enough money to facilitate this. My plan to rebuild the roof was revived when I received the transfers. As of now, I have managed to buy 4 pieces of iron sheets, and my objective is to buy at least 15 pieces. My goal now is to buy two iron sheets every month through the transfer in order to renovate the house."
View Kamuche's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well by enrolling each household in my entire region. The process was free and fair since all the beneficiaries were all treated equally. Also, the staffs were so generous and approachable, we could ask questions without fear or hesitance. I, therefore, do not see anything that needs to be reviewed."
View Jumwa's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"My children's school expenses, food, and the purchase of a cow were all made possible via GiveDirectly. I do not however consider that a given. I really appreciate your assistance, and I have no problems at all."
View Chepngetich's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"Because they offer people money and let them choose how to spend it, I think GiveDirectly is beneficial. Since most of the recipients made good use of the funds, our community has improved. The majority have sent their kids to school, some have built better homes, and some have made investments in other businesses. My family's level of life has increased, and we owe that to the organization. They are excellent in every way, and I would advise them to help more deserving people."
View Mbengu's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"The best concept was to give us cash since it opened our eyes to the different necessities we lacked as we invested in them. Most people who were struggling financially have made improvements to their life in a variety of ways. Some have built nicer homes, some have purchased water tanks to help with the problem of water shortage, and still, others who had nowhere to live have purchased property. This all contributed to a stronger and healthier community. But, in order to prevent the drunken recipients from wasting the money they get, the organization must keep a tight eye on them. If it's possible, they should ask the local chief to keep an eye on these individuals to ensure that everyone is spending the money wisely."
View Benard's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"I was inspired to buy a dairy cow because the dairy products company opened a branch right next to our house, ensuring that there would be markets for our milk. As a result, I am thrilled since the dairy cow I purchased with the most recent transfer for $300 is about to give birth. As I am the only source of income for our family, the money I will get from milk sales will help our finances. Because my physically challenged child requires constant supervision, I am unable to engage in a variety of economic activities. Thus, it will be a relief to receive milk revenue. We utilized $50 of the $230 I had left to buy food that would last us for a while, and the rest was used to launch a maize sales business. I appreciate the help because it helped me out financially."
View Sharon's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"Our area used to be known for its poverty, which could be seen in the housing conditions. This is no longer the case, however, since the majority of individuals have upgraded their existing homes. Giving us money with no conditions and not anticipating a refund made all of these things possible. The most notable aspect of the organization was its ability to financially empower people. They are doing an outstanding job, therefore neither I nor anybody else I know has ever complained about them."
View Peninah's
2 years ago
received a $421 second payment.
"I spent a larger portion of my second transfer on buying building equipment which includes; bricks, iron sheets, poles, timber and nails. I had intended to construct a permanent house since the previous one was a small temporary grass-thatched hut. It could hardly accommodate my two family members. This forced us to be seeking shelter from our neighbours, especially during the winter seasons. People would refer to us as beggars which could equally affect us mentally. I feel great and thankful for now because I no longer have to undergo all these humiliations courtesy of GiveDirectly. Lastly, I bought sufficient foodstuffs that have been serving us for a couple of weeks. It still feels like a miracle to take two meals a day since it has never happened."
View Kahela's
2 years ago
"My husband left me 6 years ago, It is not easy for me to fulfill all school requirements and equipments of $50 for my 3 children, I have to work hard in others farm for $1 per day in order to feed my family"
View Umutoni's
2 years ago
"The challenge I am facing currently is providing school fees and acquiring food for my 4 children. Of which two are grandchildren and the two are biological children.
The mothers to the grandchildren are not stable in their marriages so I carry the burden of making sure they are all in school since I took over responsibility in 2013 while they were babies.
Also the harsh climatic condition right now does not favour me to continue with the subsistence farming and having some casual work from which when it's a raining I am able to do subsistence farming and get income to support my household, buy food, seeds to plant and fertilizer for my garden."
View Kimono's