GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My mind is currently on building a new two-room, mud-walled, and tin-roofed house for my wife and seven children. This is because our current structure is in poor condition, and it may crumble anytime from strong winds. The project will cost approximately $300. In the short run, my plan is to start assembling the construction materials like iron sheets and building poles through the next cash transfers. Honestly, nothing would make me happier than bringing the project to completion by early next year."
View Charo's
over 2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"I graduated from high school in 2019, which is so long ago. Later, I applied to a tailoring college, but I was unable to continue because I had not paid the tuition. I've tried to find a job, but I've been unsuccessful, so I currently rely on my father for financial support. Given that I have five siblings who are in school and totally rely on him for financial support, the burden on him is enormous. My main objective for this year is to buy some livestock. By the end of the year, the small herd of goats will have multiplied into a sizable flock. My wealth will significantly increase as a result, and I will subsequently achieve financial stability."
View Salama's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Over the next three months, I want to purchase goats. My long-term objective is to raise the goats, sell them once they procreate, and use the money to buy a dairy cow. In this manner, I will have the chance to sell milk, make some money, and support my family. With my husband's loss of his livestock-rearing job, we are currently going through a difficult time. Being the only provider for the family, it is difficult to meet all of their needs while only making $3 per day."
View Bendera's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"My goal is to diversify my business of selling goats and other livestock. As a result, I always save $10 on the merry-go-round monthly. I long to get $100 in April, and I plan to invest it in the business. I am hopeful that when I start a business, I shall have a steady source of income hence raising school fees for my children will be easier. I have two twins who sat for the KCPE last year but may not join High School soon because I do not have money for their school fees. With the business, I shall strive to ensure that they enroll in High school. Part of the transfer will always help me to acquire food and pay school fees for the younger four children."
View Zawadi's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"Being a part of this program truly seems like an honor, and I applaud the organization for the outstanding work and generosity we have already experienced, which have improved the quality of our everyday life. My objective for this year is to make sure that, like last year, I use the funds to purchase a few farm animals. I'm excited to have more animals now that I've used the money to buy three goats and four hens. This is a wise investment for my future because it will serve as both a memento of the help I received after the project is finished and a source of funding should I ever need it. I also intend to purchase a mattress and a bed as I have been sleeping on a typical sisal bed for more than two years, which can be rather uncomfortable. Last but not least, the money will be useful for financing my grandsons' tuition since my daughter is a single parent who barely makes enough to take care of their basic necessities."
View Kache's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I can't fit my entire family in my grass-thatched shelter (wife and four children). This year, my main objective is to make sure I have enough money saved from my subsequent transfers to purchase ironsheets, building poles, and nails that will help me build a new house. After constructing a house, I also want to purchase some livestock. The devastating effects of the drought have rendered our farms no longer productive. By engaging in livestock farming, I will have a different source of income that I can use to earn a living through selling the livestock later on at higher prices."
View Katana's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I want to have 25 goats as an investment by the end of this program. I am a subsistence farmer, but drought is a big problem; as a result, I typically acquire enough food to feed my family. In addition, I am getting older and won't have the same amount of stamina to work on the farm in a few years. As a result, the goats are a perfect fit because I can sell them to increase our household income because they breed on a monthly basis."
View Kang'ombe's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I work as a teacher in the village. When I started my career I had just graduated with a certificate in teaching. After a few years, I saved some money and enrolled in a school for my Diploma. Things were great
until I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. During GiveDirectly enrollment I was sick I could not walk and I was enrolled in bed. I remember that day clearly. During that time I could not afford to buy medicine nor go for follow-up checkups this had deteriorated my health. I was vomiting, and I had lost so much weight that I thought I would die. Then I received this money and checked into the hospital and after a while, I got better and went back home. I used the first transfer of $530 for medical purposes. With the second transfer, I used to repay some loans that had accumulated while in the hospital and paid school fees. After a while, I got back to work and with my salary, I am trying my best to ration it to take care of everyone in the family."
View Rehema's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"Before the drought, that we are currently experiencing, I was a traditional brewer using coconut to make alcohol and sell it. The business would generate $17 a week, and part of the money was used to pay school fees for my four children and also buy food for my family. During this drought season, there are no trees to harvest coconuts and so I resulted to finding work as a masonry. With masonry, I get called to work twice a week with a wage of $5 a day. This money only helps to buy food for my children and I am left to find other means to pay school fees for my children. I used the last transfer to repair my house. The roof had holes and when it rained, it would leak. My children would get sick and this devasted me. I spent $200 to buy iron sheets and repaired the roof. We now sleep in a well-covered environment and my family is happy and healthy. The rest of the $ 200 was spent on paying fees for my children and $130 was used to buy food."
View Festus's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I am glad that the second transfer I got from GiveDirecly, which I paid for with money I had saved up, enabled me to buy a small plot of land on which to build a new home for my family of three. I am hoping to gather sufficient building supplies soon to help my family build a new home on the new plot of land. The surplus product will allow me to cover my older child's third-grade tuition. I will also be leasing another piece of land to farm on and ensuring that there is enough food for my two children."
View Chelangat's