GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Selly's family
access_time 2 years ago
Selly received a $422 second payment.
"I never had a dairy cow and used to purchase a liter from the neighbor at KES 60 which was high and some days I could not afford it. I sold the only cow I had to sort out the school fees for my child who was in college. When I got the transfer I decided to purchase one at KES 40000. Life has changed from worse to better since I can now milk my cow and have enough for household consumption and sell the extra to get disposable income."
Lesebet's family
access_time 2 years ago
Lesebet received a $422 second payment.
"The Givedirectly staff were honest in dealing with us. They told us the truth and kept their promise and we were happy about the program. Indeed we have never experience such help before. I like the idea of follow-up to check on our progress since it keeps us on track and to do meaningful work with the money."
Lesebeth's family
access_time 2 years ago
Lesebeth received a $436 second payment.
"I hope to complete the remaining works on my house. It has been a journey, quite an expensive one but I have never given hope. I pray to God to open a way for me to get money to finish up on the remaining work. I anticipate that before the end of the year I will be done with everything and will have moved in to the new house."
Grace's family
access_time 2 years ago
Grace received a $422 second payment.
"I want to be self-sufficient in food production. I plan to grow a high-yielding variety of maize that is resistant to disease and beans and vegetables for consumption and for sale. I have learned a huge lesson from last year when the cost of food skyrocketed. I had to dig deep inside my pockets to buy the very expensive foodstuffs and at times I could not afford them. I do not want to experience the same situation in the future anymore."
Dama's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dama received a $436 second payment.
"I believe that by visiting our community and enrolling each eligible household in the program. The organization did a good job. It was a wise choice to give cash transfers to poor people. I urge them to change the phases and at least give the transfer size of $200 until they finish the intended amount. Furthermore, the whole transfer size should be increased to double size."
Mwenda's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mwenda received a $436 second payment.
"In the coming year, I intend to renovate my house by putting a floor on the ground and plastering the walls. This is because the walls have many holes that are hiding grounds for insects like cockroaches. Also achieving this will protect the walls from being brought down by rain making my house long-lasting."
Mwenda's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mwenda received a $422 second payment.
"I am in complete awe of how my life has changed for the better within these few months. Nevertheless, I am grateful for the generosity from the organization because the funds I received allowed me to finally purchase land which was something I wanted for as long as I can remember."
Nyevu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyevu received a $422 second payment.
"My intentions when I received the transfers were mostly based on investing on my farm. Therefore I was elated when I went ahead to use the transfers in buying a cow which cost me KES 16,000 and then proceeded to buy three goats which cost me KES 11,500 collectively. I am hoping that in case I run into any financial difficulty down the line the animals will come in handy. Afterwards I gradually spent the balance left on nourishment since that it is a recurring challenge in my home as a consequence of drought."
Dama's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dama received a $422 second payment.
"First and foremost I would like to thank Give Directly for this unforgettable experience for me and my family. This is because prior to being enrolled into the program I was scared that my kids were going to be dropouts but I am glad this money saved my children from this fate."
Sidi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sidi received a $422 second payment.
"When I received these transfers I was planning on using them to build myself a proper home because the one I lived in prior was quite old and almost on the verge of collapsing. Therefore, I proceeded to buy a couple of building material which included a couple of doors,windows and about twenty four pieces of iron sheets will cost me out about KES 30,000. Later on I spent KES 14,000 on buying a bed and mattress because I did not have one. Meanwhile I ended up using the balance to pay the Mason."