GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $238 fourth payment.
"I'm hoping for my spouse's full recovery after his operation due to the fact that he is the bread winner of the family. A few years from now, I want to see my family smiling again."
View Theresa's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"My main goal now is to continue saving some money to renovate my house. I would wish my house to look decent and this is my main goal for now."
View Esther's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"Purchasing milk daily is so costly , I wish to save some amount from the sales of my farm produce to purchase a dairy cow. This will enable me to cut the daily cost of buying milk which is so costly for me."
View Phirsila's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"I operate a retail shop and when I received the second transfer I purchase more stock. I spent $200 on stock and correctly I am able to meet the demand of my customers. I had always wished to expand this business but it was not possible because I did not have the money. The profits that I get now are much higher compared to when the stock was small. I use the profits to meet my family's basic needs. I spent $ 40 on purchasing a small water tank for storing clean water for drinking. We are no longer exposed to water-related diseases since we drink clean water, I spent some on plowing my farm and the rest of the money I spent on meeting the basic household needs and clothes for my family members."
View Henry's
2 years ago
received a $422 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did a very great job in my entire village and this is evident from the huge transformations among the households. The idea of giving out unconditional cash transfers stood out because one had to utilize the cash according to the desires of their heart. Therefore I do not see anything that requires changes."
View Kabunda's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"I spent the recent transfers to complete the construction of my two-roomed house which I had started with the first transfer. I used most of the second transfer on paying the labour charges and purchasing additional iron sheets. Earlier, I was living in a small house which was leaking during the rainy season. I had spent sleepless nights moving my bedding from one corner of the house to another when it rains at night. Nowadays, I am glad that I reside in a nice house unlike before. In addition, I spent the remaining amount to construct a small, decent one-room house for my grandchild who was sleeping in a tiny house that was collapsing posing a danger to his life."
View Jumwa's
2 years ago
received a $422 second payment.
"I was struggling a lot and was faced with a myriad of challenges. When I received the transfers I felt so relieved and had the peace of mind that had long eluded me. I was able to buy a calf worth KES 22000 that is about to calf. It gives me joy and I wanted it for posterity. I also had some loans that I had defaulted since I had no means to pay as life was so biting, so I was able to settle it down and I am so happy now."
View Julianah's
2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"I am so elated that the transfers assisted me a great deal to improve on my housing condition. I was able to change the condition of my house, I replaced the mud wall with sand and also cemented the floor. I used KES 50000 and it has given my house a facelift. I no longer have to worry about the difficult job of smearing with cow dung which is a lot of work that I am no longer able to do it well because of my old age. Iused the rest to buy food for household consumption."
View Luthia's
2 years ago
received a $422 second payment.
"They explained to us the advice that the people who received the transfers in the past gave out.The advice was so useful and it helped us to plan well for the money. GiveDirectly means well for us to better our lives and to come out of poverty. Our only wish is that we wish the transfer will come back to our village again in future to still help us more."
View Pascalia's
2 years ago
received a $422 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well, especially in sending the cash directly into our Mpesa accounts. Also, we had all the freedom on how we could spend the money according to our household needs. Therefore the organisation has done nothing wrong that needs to be reviewed."
View Mwenda's