GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 2 years ago
received a $432 second payment.
"Indeed, GiveDirectly's assistance helped to improve the lives of the less fortunate in society. It never discriminated against anyone, regardless of social status, during its operations. Furthermore, they did not base their decision on rumors, but rather visited every household in the village and ascertained things for themselves, bringing fairness to all. Nothing was done, in my opinion, that contradicted what they had stated."
View Paul's
almost 2 years ago
received a $418 second payment.
"I am pleased and satisfied with what I have accomplished so far. Due to a lack of funds, it is difficult for me to plan what I will do in the coming year. However, if given the opportunity, I would like to start a business that will help boost my finances and lead to financial freedom."
View Raeli's
almost 2 years ago
received a $418 second payment.
"I am planning to build a new spacious house very soon. This is because the previous one is not that stable besides being small. Therefore having this house will make me not worry again about the poor weather and insecurities. For now, I live in fear that someday the house will collapse."
View Mjeni's
almost 2 years ago
received a $432 second payment.
"In general, the organization greatly improved my living conditions; I cannot emphasize enough how the transfer was unconditional and that we did not pay for its registration. Furthermore, we were well informed about the program's requirements from the start, and they sought consent before enrollment. So far, I haven't come across any inefficiencies that needed to be addressed."
View Lily's
almost 2 years ago
received a $418 second payment.
"When we got our transfer, one of our top priorities was to buy a dairy cow. This is because we had sold our only cow to pay off a loan that had been pending for a long time. It was difficult for us because we needed to buy milk on a daily basis but our sources of income were unstable. My husband is a motorcycle taxi driver, and I sell vegetables. Together we have five children. Therefore, we used $400 on a cow, and then later we used the remaining amount on buying foodstuffs and clothes. So far my life has been impacted in a short period of time and thus, I am forever grateful for the support."
View Lily's
almost 2 years ago
received a $418 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did a great job by coming into my village. I was freely and fairly enrolled after consenting. I also received the cash timely as I had been promised during the registration period. Therefore I do see anything that requires to be looked into as they transition to the other village. All went well."
View Kasichana's
almost 2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"My cocoa farm is producing now, each harvest is 3 bags which is 300.00 USD. It is a great help for my family and i.
My kids are also my future investment the oldest is in grade 9, 2 person in grade 7, one in grade 3 and the last in nursery."
View Marcus's
almost 2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"I used my entire money on my cocoa farm. I used 50% of the money to plant new cocoa and the balance i hired people to clean the farm because i am old now and don't have the strength to work."
View Wilson's
almost 2 years ago
received a $432 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does very well by giving us support in form of cash. This leaves us with a variety of choice and gives everyone an opportunity to choose how to spend the money and achieve maximum returns. Everyone within my village is very happy and impressed with whatever they spent. I do not see anything with GiveDirectly's operations that I think should be corrected or done in any better way. Everything seemed right for me."
View Juliana's
almost 2 years ago
"The challanges am currently facing is the high bills of school for my 3 children who are still at school. 1 child joined University and the tuition is is $486 per semister, the other 2 children are in high school each paying $81 per term. It has become hard for me to fully pay the tuition/school fees for all my school going children and this is because i dont have a stable source income to meet the needs of the family in addition to school dues. The other challange is shortage of food for my family due to flash floods that have always destroyed my garden leading to poor yields which has on the long run led to famine."
View Khisa's