GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"I have been living in our family house for years which was very embarrassing to me been that others were building houses in the town but I had no means.
So when I heard about Givedirectly,I hurriedly went and got enrolled in the program with the dream of using whatever little I can get to build for me a new house.Upon getting my third transfer I went straight to Zwedru to buy 3 bundles of Zinc and paid workmanship for my house."
View Junior's
almost 2 years ago
received a $417 second payment.
"I had been living in an old kitchen with my children and my spouse before he died two years ago. In our culture, the death of a primary male in a family necessitates the demolition of a cooking place and the construction of a new one to commemorate his passing. I should have done this a few months after my husband died, but the financial constraints I have faced in providing for our children prevented me from doing so. At the moment, I am hoping to sell some of the harvests and pay off all of my school fees before beginning construction on a new kitchen. The surplus maize from my three-acre plot of land will be enough to pay the school fees and purchase construction materials that will be useful during the construction."
View Annah's
almost 2 years ago
received a $236 second payment.
"I hope to build new house before this year ends"
View Vicky's
almost 2 years ago
received a $417 second payment.
"The enrollment process and receipt of all transfers went so smoothly because they were handled by a well-organized team from Give Directly. I am glad that everyone in their household was given the opportunity to listen to and understand the program after asking questions that the visiting staff answered well. Since then, no one has complained, but everyone thanks the organization for its generous support and hopes that it will return once everyone has received it."
View Joel's
almost 2 years ago
received a $417 second payment.
"I began building a new house with a portion of my first transfer but stopped after using up some of the materials that I could afford at the time. I put the construction work on hold because I was expecting the second transfer. When I received the second transfer, I purchased 34 iron sheets for $8 each, as well as floor tiles, ceiling boards, and wall paints, and I paid the labor charges with a portion of the remaining funds when the construction was completed. I am relieved that my family of five now has enough space and a decent home, which has greatly increased our esteem when entertaining visitors. I later spent the remainder on a farewell for my son, who was about to start university after I bought him a suitcase to carry his belongings. Previously, I relied on a small maize buying and selling business as well as surplus milk from my cow that I could sell to cover household expenses."
View Jane's
almost 2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"I hope to live in a decent house before long."
View Martha's
almost 2 years ago
received a $236 third payment.
"I hope to complete my house project before this year ends"
View Dorris's
almost 2 years ago
received a $417 second payment.
"Despite the fact that we are experiencing difficult times as a result of the seemingly never-ending drought, I am optimistic that I will be able to significantly improve my farming activities this year. Previously, farming was the primary source of income, but due to the four-month drought, we have been unable to harvest anything from our farms and have been forced to plant late. I'm hoping that when the rains come, I will still be able to plant the short-season crops and harvest them in time to help mitigate hunger while also earning some money."
View Anna's
almost 2 years ago
received a $236 fourth payment.
"How I wish I would be able to give thanks in kind to this unique organisation called Givedirectly for the excellent work they have provided for us. You guys are the best among the rest I have ever seen so far."
View Rachel's
almost 2 years ago
received a fourth payment.
"A few years to come I want to sleep in my new home with my family. I pray for a healthy life for my entire family. I want to hold my great grand children as well."
View Jacqueline's