GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Abraham's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Abraham received a $244 third payment.
"I bought one bag of rice for $20USD to feed my friends who are helping me cut sticks for the construction of a new house. I have the balance money in saving for the standing-up of my house. Where I live is a kitchen house that I built with thatched-roof. Because I didn't had money then. All I wanted was to have a place to sleep. Since I got enrolled on GD's program, I have this desired of building a new and spacious house with my recent transfer. The money in saving will be used to pay for the workmanship of my house construction work."
Jackob's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Jackob received a $435 second payment.
"The best thing that Give Directly has done is that it uplifted the whole village. It has eradicated poverty. Everyone in this village is singing praises for Give Directly. An area of improvement is you can consider giving out loans for people to repay later. You can also increase the number of transfers you send to be able to change our lives more."
Kahindi's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kahindi received a $450 second payment.
"If I get kshs 110,000 , I plan to start a poshomill business. This is because poshomill are scarcely available in this area. I'm looking at a daily income of kshs 2,500 since market is readily available. I also plan to start a kiosk business. I'll need a capital of kshs 80,000."
Caroline's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Caroline received a $435 second payment.
"My heart is in livestock keeping. My goal is to have 300 layers so that I can rear them on large scale. I'm sure they'll lay eggs and multiply in number. Layers always come in handy in times of emergencies. This can cost me utmost kshs 100,000. I also want to start grocery business. This is because nobody sells vegetables within my locality. I'm sure it will give me good income since the market is readily available. The capital I need to start this is kshs 30,000."
Emmanuel's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Emmanuel received a $435 second payment.
"I appreciate because Give Directly is doing every thing well. My whole village is glittering with new houses. We have also bought beddings and pieces of land. Keep up doing this good job. I see nothing to improve on my side."
Totaye's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Totaye received a $244 second payment.
"In my opinion givedirectly did very well in my life and that of my village. Givedirectly was able to enrolled almost the entire village. There are so many New houses with in my village that I am proud of today. Givedirectly need to give the next village money as well to empower them as well."
Geebli's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Geebli received a $244 second payment.
""My planed for this money has always been to build my house. After receiving my recent transfer, I quickly ran to Zwedru to cash out the money. Getting 37500 brought so much excitement to me. I use my money to buy some of my building materials and send the balance to my wife in Nimba County for the family up keep.""
Tabu's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Tabu received a $450 second payment.
"These transfers have been so helpful to me. This second one was sent when I was really wishing to have livestock. So I took kshs 31,500 and bought 7 goats. 3 males and 4 female ones. Infact they have already given birth to 2 more. I'm glad I can sell them quickly when need arises. I paid school fees my 2 children who are in secondary and primary schools that is kshs 15,000 and kshs 5,000 respectively. I bought clothes worth kshs 8,000 for my children so that they can enjoy the feeling of owning new clothes. Finally I spent kshs 3,500 on maize flour, rice and wheat flour."
Dorris's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dorris received a third payment.
"In the coming years, I hope to complete my house building process . I will plaster my house with concrete cement and roof it with guarantee zinc. Thanks to Givedirectly for the financial support. I couldn't have decided on building another house in the coming year with the absence of money. I believe that pretty soon, my dream to build new house will soon come to pass."
Sidi's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Sidi received a $435 second payment.
"The best thing that Give Directly has done is to bring money to our village. Please keep helping us more. How can good people who are helping you be doing something wrong? You have already set the bar high. Keep it up!"