GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $430 second payment.
"There is nothing wrong with the whole operation as many attest to the fact that GiveDirectly did its best to change our living standards. No one has ever complained, but we are always thankful for the generous support that we got."
View Bendera's
2 years ago
received a $445 second payment.
"My next goal is to buy a piece of land where I will build some rentals. Once this is done, I intend to venture into more business since I am an entrepreneur. With this, there will be a guaranteed source of income."
View Mwenda's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My goal in the next year is to build a new brick-walled and tin-roofed four-room house to accommodate my three co-wives and me. Our current shelter is in poor condition as the mud walls are almost collapsing and the tin roof is rusted and perforated, which lets in water whenever it rains. In the short range, the goal is to assemble the building materials first and then hire a mason later to bring the project to completion. Having already bought 10 pieces of iron sheets, my plan is to use each monthly transfer to buy at least two pieces. I will be very happy if the construction project succeeds in a year’s time."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"It has been difficult for me to raise a grandson in secondary school as a widow. Life wasn't simple for me because I'm a temporary worker. Since he was a year old, her mother abandoned him, I have been raising the boy. Unfortunately, I am still unaware of the mother's whereabouts. Despite the challenges of raising him, he was fortunate to receive sponsorship when he started high school. Even though providing for his necessities outside of school costs was still a tremendous burden on my shoulders, I was extremely appreciative. I now receive a monthly transfer from GiveDirectly, so there are a few things I want to get done before the year is over. I have been sleeping on rags and cartons. This was brought on by the fact that I had to deal with duties that required me to spend money I did not have. So that I can sleep properly in a good setting, I would like to have purchased a nice mattress and some bedsheets by the end of the year. In order for my grandchild to focus on his academics, I would also like to see him not be lacking some meals or his school uniform. In order to accomplish this, I decided to save at least $10 per month for the mattress because they cost about $50. For the remaining amount after deducting for saving, I make sure my grandchild is comfortable."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I have six children who are still in school, and on occasion when I fail to pay their tuition due to lack of finances, they have to stay home for days or even weeks. My top objective right now is to make sure that I will use this month to pay their tuition so that they can continue attending school. Additionally, I want to pay a few people to assist me prepare my property so that I can cultivate during the rainy season and ensure that my family is well fed."
View Ngumbao's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"The transfers have greatly helped to overcome the challenge of food shortage in my household. I have been surviving on casual jobs like burning and selling charcoal which does not pay much. I have two children currently in school and they all look to me for their school fees. My husband is also a casual labourer and at times he also fails to secure a job. I totally rely on the transfer to pay my children's fees to allow them comfortably continue with their studies. I have also been saving Ksh. 1000 every month in or local group. I am planning to save more money that will ensure I do some investments, like buying goats which do well in our drought-stricken region. They are assets to me and once they reproduce, I can sell the offspring to sort out my financial issues."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Towards the end of the year, I plan to have expanded my herd of goats to ten. Thanks to the cash transfers, I already have three goats that I acquired in the previous months. Owning more goats will certainly increase my wealth, which I could trade in the future to raise money for my family’s basic needs like food. More so, rearing livestock would grant me a breather from the physical strains of making charcoal as a means of earning money."
View Nyevu's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Given the unstable state of our house, my husband and I have been talking about building a new one. We fear that the current structure may collapse from winds or rain, and leave our two children with no roof above their heads. The new three-room house will be made of brick walls and iron sheets, which will require more funds. To implement the plan, I intend to start saving $20 from every cash transfer, and supplement it with what my husband will raise from his income as a cook."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Last year, I joined a college in Mombasa to pursue Information Technology for the next two years. Although my father has been active in paying my school fees, I plan to actively contribute towards it as well. I understand that he has a huge burden on his shoulders providing for my younger siblings in primary school, and such support will go a long way in relieving some pressure off of him. Hence, for the next two years, I plan on directing $10 and $15 from each transfer towards my school fees and rent respectively."
View Samuel's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"This program has brought quite a significant change into my life and I am honestly going to be forever grateful. Through the funds I was finally able to build myself quite a comfortable house which I am proud of, especially since it had been a long dream of mine to finally build a better home for myself and my family. Now that I am done with the house I plan on investing in buying a couple of goats and poultry since they are quite cheaper compared to cows. I also happen to own a business where I sell 13th and groceries at one of my friends' stalls. I will also use some part of the money to ensure that I keep my business afloat."
View Mwanaisha's