GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Lucy's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Lucy received a $25 tenth payment.
"We have a plot that we bought around four years ago. Our plan is to continue saving some amount every month from what I receive from Givedirectly and combine with that my spouse makes from his business and develope the plot. We plan to rent out the shops once developed as an additional income for our family."
Michael's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Michael enrolled.
"Our greatest challenge as a family is food. We depend on casual jobs that pay $2.50 per day. Due to the high cost of living it's not enough for a family of 8. At times we may not get these jobs and we go hungry. The drought made it even harder, for the last 3 years productivity has been low. Thus making it hard providing for our family. Lack of enough food has affected the health of our children. Since they don't get enough quality food."
Mary's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Mary enrolled.
"It's difficult for being back here at my parents home. I was married for 16 years and was not lucky to have a child. My then husband was not understanding so I came back home. It feels so bad not having a child of my own. This led me to loose my marriage. It has been hard coming to terms with that. In our culture when one does not have a child. There's a high chance of being send back home."
Elima's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Elima enrolled.
"Financial constraints are the biggest challenge. My husband went on retirement a year ago, and he has not received his pension. Since he has been the breadwinner, I have to do casual jobs to make ends meet. The money I get is only enough to buy food but nothing is left to pay school fees. I instead rely on borrowing loans from financial institutions which has left me which huge debts."
Ishimwe's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Ishimwe received a $424 second payment.
"I want to have more money in the future, at least having 500000F per year from selling shoes, because I used to sell them but I stopped it due to I was still young and didn't have National ID but now I am old enough to do it. After completing my house i will go in selling shoes and get the money that I wish to have."
Cynthia's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Cynthia enrolled.
"Recently life has become very difficult because of the high cost of living in our nation. This has made it impossible to live a comfortable life and has also made life very difficult. One of the challenges I gave because of this is the lack of food. We struggle to get food since for the past three years we've not been able to have productive farming because of the prolonged drought. This has been made worse by the high cost of living which has made it very difficult to afford basic food products such as maize and beans. In addition to this, water shortage is the other challenge that I'm faced with. We have a water project that was started in the past few months which we use for domestic needs. However, the water is not enough since it only comes once or twice a week. This makes it very difficult to plant vegetables and other crops for food. These two are the major challenges that make my life very difficult."
Nirere's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Nirere received a $424 second payment.
"My hope for the coming years is to be an effective worker who shall progress well to be financially resilient to the extent I shsll support others around."
Mukeshimana's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Mukeshimana received a $422 second payment.
"Honestly, when I reflecting on the good deeds of GiveDirectly, I become speecheless. GiveDierectly is doing well in supporting us to the extent we are about to leave poverty. To do better, I can suggest GiveDirectly to reach out others and help neibhoring communities who are also in critical condition of poverty."
Nyirahabineza's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Nyirahabineza received a $434 second payment.
"Before I only had a house but now i have got land to cultivate because of GD and I am so thankful for that. Everything that GiveDirectly has done is good I don't see anything bad about it"
Peter's family
access_time over 1 year ago
Peter enrolled.
"Three months ago, I accidentally fell while working on my farm and I have not been fend for my family. I am still under treatment and this has forced me to rely on my son for all my basic needs including medication. It has been a challenge raising school fees for them and I get help from my neighbours sometimes. If I was well, I could meet all the basic needs for my children."