GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kadenge's family
access_time 11 months ago
Kadenge received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Looking ahead, my goal for the coming year is to invest in goats. I aim to raise and sell them once they multiply, generating profits to support my education. To achieve this goal, I will utilize the funds received through the project and a portion of my savings. The income generated from this venture will enable me to pursue my dream of obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Education. Becoming a teacher has been my lifelong aspiration, and realizing this dream would be a significant achievement for me. I am thankful to this organization for improving my family's living standards and also for positively impacting our entire community."
Patrick's family
access_time 11 months ago
Patrick received a $317 second payment.
"At first, I didn't want to take the money. But then we learned where it came from and felt better about it. The village that got the money first didn't have any problems. I wondered where all that money came from. But in the end, I'm grateful. It really made our lives better. When you go to the next village, stick to our own customs. Don't copy other groups like Red Cross, who sometimes treat people unfairly and let local leaders choose who gets help.."
Kadzo's family
access_time 11 months ago
Kadzo received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My goal is to ensure that I can afford school fees for my daughter Pendo, who is in her first year of education. Before, I would have had to make and sell charcoal to contribute to her education, but things are better with the cash transfers. I also want to build another kitchen structure. The current one is not only old, but the grass-thatched roof has become damaged over time. My only blocker from achieving this goal before was the concern about enrolling Pendo in high school. Now that she is settled, I plan to start saving some funds to begin buying building materials like iron sheets and building poles for a new cooking space."
Duncan's family
access_time 11 months ago
Duncan received a $24 twenty-second payment.
"In order to better support my growing family, especially after recently getting married, I realize the need to diversify my income beyond my motorcycle taxi business, which has proven insufficient. One idea I have is to purchase an additional motorcycle that I can rent out. Although this may be challenging due to the high cost of a new motorcycle, approximately $1000, I am determined to make it happen with perseverance and commitment. Since I am not currently part of any savings platform, I have decided to save my transfers by investing in livestock, specifically goats. Goats are affordable and multiply quickly, making them a suitable investment option for me. Each month, I plan to use the entire transfer amount( $34) to purchase a goat. Over time, I will accumulate enough goats to sell and raise a significant amount of money. I understand that due to other financial commitments, this project may take longer than expected to reach fruition, but my goal is to achieve it no matter how long it takes. By diligently saving and investing in goats, I am confident that I can diversify my income and provide better support for my family's needs in the future."
Lavenda's family
access_time 11 months ago
Lavenda received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"Achieving financial stability is my primary objective, and to accomplish this, I aim to channel my upcoming transfers into acquiring additional livestock. At present, I possess four goats and three hens, all acquired through the financial assistance I've received. As these animals reproduce, they will generate supplementary income through surplus sales. The proceeds will be earmarked for my children's education in the foreseeable future. I deeply appreciate the ongoing financial support that facilitates the realization of my ambitions, which necessitate significant financial commitment."
Mariam's family
access_time 11 months ago
Mariam received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"My main focus right now is joining college and continuing with my education. From there, I plan to venture into livestock rearing to generate income. I hope to establish a stable source of income for myself and my family. I'm so grateful for the support that GiveDirectly has provided us."
Mercyline's family
access_time 11 months ago
Mercyline received a $24 eighteenth payment.
"In the coming year, my main goal is to use the GiveDirectly cash transfers on rebuilding our house, which has become too small for our growing family. It's equally in a bad state, whenever it rains, water seeps in from the ground. If all goes well with my current business, I will open a saloon to diversify my sources of income—an endeavor I've long desired. The thought of the transfers fills me with boundless gratitude, and each time I receive the cash, my joy knows no bounds."
Irine's family
access_time 11 months ago
Irine received a $316 third payment.
"The assistance provided by GiveDirectly has made a tangible difference in the economic well-being of our community, evident in the improvements seen in housing, education, and farming practices. Personally, I take great pride in the acquisition of two Dorper breed sheep through the transfer, foreseeing their potential to multiply and serve as a significant income stream in the future. I express my sincere gratitude for the transformative influence GiveDirectly has had on my life and the broader community."
San's family
access_time 11 months ago
San received a $316 second payment.
"The support from GiveDirectly has positively impacted us. I now own land and have been able to boost my farming activities. The unconditional nature of the support allowed me to address my needs directly. Sometimes, there are personal and pressing needs that are hard to share. With this support, I could tackle these issues on my own, unlike conditional aid where you might receive food but actually be facing more serious problems than just food scarcity. Education from GiveDirectly officers on wise spending helped me and others in the community to use money wisely, leading to positive impacts as people made good use of the funds. Creating awareness about the amount of money to expect next promoted harmony among families. It allowed for prior planning, where you could have discussions and come to an agreement on how to spend the money before receiving it. I don't see anything that GiveDirectly needs to improve on. I hope they extend this program to other communities using the same approach."
Nabusano's family
access_time 11 months ago
Nabusano received a $1195 second payment.
"Recipient plans to sell off the cows anytime she finds a piece of land in a safe place"