GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sidi's family
access_time 7 months ago
Sidi received a zeroth payment.
"My current house was in very bad shape due to the recent rains, which weakened and damaged its roof. It was at risk of being blown away by the storms we experienced and on the verge of collapsing. This would have made it uninhabitable, potentially forcing me to seek shelter elsewhere, which I was not prepared to do. Thankfully, assistance came in on time, allowing me to prioritize the renovation of my house. I purchased enough iron sheets, nails, and timber, and covered the cost of labor. I now have peace of mind knowing that my house is stable. Even during heavy rains, my family and I are safe. Affording the cost of renovation wouldn't have been easy for me, but with the help received, I managed it, and I am truly grateful for the support."
Nyevu's family
access_time 7 months ago
Nyevu received a zeroth payment.
"I had been using an old traditional bed and a worn-out mattress for many years, while my three young children slept on the dusty ground without comfortable bedding. When I received the transfer, my priority was to change our sleeping arrangements to something more comfortable. I purchased two new wooden beds and two mattresses, greatly improving our lives. Now, my whole family enjoys good and sound sleep thanks to the support I received. Changing our bedding would have been difficult for me, but the transfer made it possible."
Nyevu's family
access_time 7 months ago
Nyevu received a $426 initial payment.
"I had been using an old traditional bed and a worn-out mattress for many years, while my three young children slept on the dusty ground without comfortable bedding. When I received the transfer, my priority was to change our sleeping arrangements to something more comfortable. I purchased two new wooden beds and two mattresses, greatly improving our lives. Now, my whole family enjoys good and sound sleep thanks to the support I received. Changing our bedding would have been difficult for me, but the transfer made it possible."
Kavumbi's family
access_time 7 months ago
Kavumbi received a zeroth payment.
"I always hoped that my two children would be able to complete their high school education, despite the financial hurdles that my husband and I have been facing. It was a miracle that they even reached high school, as I almost thought they would have to discontinue their studies due to the hefty fee balances. I have been struggling to make ends meet by doing menial jobs, such as making and selling charcoal, which does not pay well. This has made it difficult to provide for my family and also pay for my children's education. As a parent, I am now at peace because when I received the first transfer, I was able to clear the fee arrears for them and they are now comfortably in school. This has also given me ample time to gather enough financial resources to pay for their fees for the next term."
Kavumbi's family
access_time 7 months ago
Kavumbi received a $426 initial payment.
"I currently have two children enrolled in high school, and one is about to join college. As a parent, I have always hoped to witness their academic success. It hasn't been easy for my husband and me to pay their fees on time, and at times, this forced them to stay at home for some weeks as we gathered finances to cover their fees. However, when I received my first transfer, I cleared the fee arrears, totaling $180. I'm happy as a parent to see my children attending school without any interruptions due to fees. I believe that they will be able to achieve their goals and succeed in their academic journey. In addition to the fees, I am also in the process of renovating my kitchen, which was damaged by the recent rains. The roof was dilapidated, and the iron sheets had become old and worn out, on the verge of collapsing. I spent $150 on purchasing 8 pieces of iron sheets, building poles, and nails to renovate my kitchen. This will eventually ensure that I have a good place to cook and store my items. Finally, I spent the remaining amount on buying food items to ensure that my household had enough to eat. I have been relying on subsistence farming, but lately, it has not been doing well due to unfavorable weather conditions. I am glad that despite this challenge, my family now has enough food that can last us for a month's time."
Nyevu's family
access_time 7 months ago
Nyevu received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"Due to my health issues and advanced age, securing basic needs like a good home has been a significant challenge. However, I am currently making progress, which gives me hope. My next goal is to build a better house for myself and my grandchildren, as the one we live in is very old and small, and I'm worried it might collapse at any moment. To achieve this, I have started saving each month through the Merry-Go-Round initiative using the transfers I receive. My goal is to construct a safer and more comfortable home. Once I succeed in building a new house, I will feel proud, happy, and relieved from the constant worry about security issues or harsh weather. This new home will not only provide a secure shelter but also bring peace of mind, knowing that my family and I are safe. "
Karembo's family
access_time 7 months ago
Karembo enrolled.
"One of the major challenge I am facing currently is food Insecurity. The inability to fend and put food on the table for my kids has really made me sad. I was previously working at a mine in kadzandani and due to the closer early this year I have been unable to get a stable job. School fees has been also a major challenge. My kids have oftenly been out of school due to impending areas.Life itself is challenging because when we had Cyclone Hidaya, my house was swept away by the strong winds leaving me to start over in this economy.I had to be sheltered by my younger brother for sometime.I am grateful because I have been able to build a small house where I stay with my kids peacefully now."
Patience's family
access_time 7 months ago
Patience enrolled.
"I am a single mother of five kids. My husband and I separated six years ago forcing me and my kids to go back to my parents house for refuge. One challenge I am facing as a mother is the inability to provide sufficiently for my children. lack of a stable job has made me unable to get a sustainable income to make ends meet. My first daughter is in highschool. The school fees are a burden to me considering I work at the mines and whenever there is rains we do not report to work due to security reasons. The rest are in primary and to me is a struggle just to make them have the good life they desire. I haven't loosed hope yet, I believe I will meet their needs eventually."
Kamtu's family
access_time 7 months ago
Kamtu enrolled.
"Lack of reliable sources of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. I do casual jobs which are rarely available and the income caters to food only. I share a house with a cowife but I am not comfortable. I need my own house but due to a lack of funds, I am limited."
Safari's family
access_time 7 months ago
Safari enrolled.
"As a widower responsible for caring for a family of 5, we are facing various challenges, the most significant of which is unemployment. This situation has deeply impacted my family, making it difficult to meet our financial needs. Since my wife passed away in 2013, I have taken on the sole responsibility of raising and providing for our children. Being unemployed has prompted me to explore alternative means of earning income, such as engaging in charcoal burning and herding, to ensure that we can make ends meet."