GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $28 second payment.
View Kahindi's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My roof replacement is the main task I want to finish this year. The "Makuti" or coconut leaves that make up the roof of my home are currently in poor condition. Every time it rains, rainwater seeps into the house through the large openings, causing damage to my possessions. In order to have enough iron sheeting to construct a spacious two-room house, I intend to purchase two pieces per month. The iron sheets' resistance to extreme heat means that they won't just improve the appearance of my home; they'll also last a very long time. Given that I will use some of the funds to purchase food and for medical expenses, it will be challenging for me to complete, but I hope everything goes well."
View Dama's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 second payment.
View Balozi's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I'm buying goats so that I'll have an investment by the time the program is phased out. They thrive in our drought-stricken region, which is why they are our main source of investment. I can easily sell them in the future to cover my expenses if I get into hardship. I still have two more kids, one in elementary school and the other in high school, and I think the goats will make it easier for me to pay their tuition. I currently work as a taxi driver on a motorcycle, but as the years pass, I grow older and less energetic, so the goats will help me enhance my income. Since I will be taking care of my goats and depending on them for my financial needs, I won't have to focus that much energy on the motorcycle"
View Safari's
over 2 years ago
"I am currently facing a problem in that I cannot afford paying school fees for children who are studying at Napolo primary school which is a private school. I also face a challenge of getting food for my people. Landslide have has also destroyed crops which we could sell and access basic needs."
View Namutosi's
over 2 years ago
"Lack of job opportunities has put my family in a financial crisis. I was recently employed to work as a cook in a nearby secondary school where I am earning $50 every month. I have three Children in Kapkwen Academy where I am required to pay $45 school fees for every child every academic term. Raising school fees is a big challenge because what I earn is less than what the school expects of me. Right now I owe the school arrears amounting to $100 and they wrote me a note telling me that my children should not report to school until I clear. This has caused me a lot of stress to a point that I have lost my appetite."
View Benard's
over 2 years ago
"I have a family of 11 members with nine being children. My husband is a teacher at one of the nearest mosques and I am doing casual jobs at the village mosque. I earn $50 per month and my husband earns $100. My husband has another wife in a nearby village and he shares the money equal to both of us. The money I get caters for food only and it is not even enough. I have five children at Madamani primary school and they all have a fees balance of $ 60. This has made them stay out of school for a while. Lack of school fees for my children is the challenge I am currently passing through."
View Amina's
over 2 years ago
"A home is what my heart longs for. My husband Festus is building us a house which has forced us to live in a tiny house whose roofing is worn out. The construction has taken a while to complete since he retired from his civil duties as a Chief. The little we earn from our small shop caters to food only. How I wish he would get finances so as to finalize this project."
View Lilian's
over 2 years ago
"Because of the current economic challenges, I am failing to attain some things I have always desired. I want to grow my business by buying a bigger battery so that I can service a lot more people since I have become reliable in the village. I recharge phones and run a video show. I also work as a Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) and travel around the village on a bicycle. It's old and often needs repairs. Food is a problem in that I'm limited to what is available and go long distances to find something different."
View Madalitso's
over 2 years ago
"Lack of money is a problem in my home. My son just dropped out of school because we couldn't pay or his school fees. His friends are in form 3 but he dropped out 2 years ago. My husband and I weave mats to sell but that doesn't give us nearly what we need to run the home."
View Christina's