GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sidi's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Sidi received a $432 second payment.
"I have desired to improve my agricultural farming so that I would have sufficient food production for the household's consumption. After receiving my recent transfer, I spent $320 to purchase two oxen. I am happy that they will help me in preparing my farm on time something that will ensure my crops mature within the expected time. This is because we are experiencing short rains due to the climate change. Previously, I had to hire oxen from neighbors which made it hard to plough my firm on time leading to low food harvest. In addition, I used $50 to educate my 4 children who are still in primary school by clearing their fee balances. Lastly, I used the remaining amount to purchase sufficient food for my family of 10 members since we did not have food. We were frequently going to bed on empty stomach due to the high costs of foodstuffs."
Jonathan's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Jonathan received a $447 second payment.
"In my opinion, Givedirectly did well in coming up with the cash transfer program. Through the aid, our lives have been transformed greatly, especially owning decent shelter for the family. I am very grateful for the transfers and I do not have anything that I feel was not done well as far as the organization processes are concerned."
Kenga's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kenga received a $432 second payment.
"I would like to rear livestock, especially goats, and sell them whenever I need the money for my children's school fees. I would also like to start farming so that I stop buying food such as vegetables and flour at the market. The food there is expensive and with a big family, it has become challenging for me to have three meals a day."
Kabibi's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Kabibi received a $432 second payment.
"I produce charcoal for a living, I make four sacks a month for $3.50 each. This money helps me buy food for my family but the money is never enough for food and school fees. Most days my children are sent away from school because of the areas which break my heart. Before the transfer, I had accumulated $150 in school fees arrears. I have four children in school, one in high school that pays $200 per term and three children in primary school that pays $4.50 per month. This transfer has enabled me to clear out the debt and even pay for next term fees for my children who are in primary school."
Dama's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Dama received a $432 second payment.
"I am a widow my husband died ten years ago and left me with seven children. I produce and sell charcoal for a living. In two weeks I produce ten bags and I sell each bag for $5. This money mostly helps me buy food for the family and save part for my children's school fees. Paying school fees for my three children in high school has been challenging and most days I visit the school to plead with the principal to allow the children to stay in school as I look for money. The arrears accumulated as of this year was $200. I spent all my transfer to pay for the arrears. I currently do not have any debts in school. I am a happy mother."
Nyando's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Nyando received a $447 second payment.
"I am a businessman, I own 400 chickens and 30 ducks. I rear them and sell them whenever I need the money. I also own a retail shop where I get $15 a day. This money helps me buy food and pay school fees for my five children. As a businessman, I opted to use my transfer to buy two water tanks at $750 and I already started a water business where I sell a 20 liters jerrican at $0.1. In a day I get $20 that helps me save for an emergency."
Mary's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Mary received a $432 second payment.
"I am a single mother, I separated from my husband a few years ago. We are blessed with four children. All the children are in school, and paying for school fees has been a challenge for me because my former partner does not support me much. I sell pastries at a nearby school where I get $1.50 as the profit in a day and I also produce charcoal and sell it. In a week I can make five sacks and sell them at $5 each. The revenue from the two businesses helps me mostly to buy food and save for my children's school fees. Before the transfers, I had school fees arrears of $175 which I was able to pay with my second transfer. I also used $300 to repair my house, changed my iron sheet, and put on doors. I now have a beautiful house."
Walukhuli's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Walukhuli enrolled.
"The challenge i am having is poverty and the bad weather My roof is licking and when it rains,i feel unsafe with my family.i want to build another house which is better and convenient.I am old yet i have young children who need suppport.I feel burdened."
Nangoti's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Nangoti enrolled.
"The challenges are poverty .Supporting my children at school has been a great challenge.I desire to take them through school but at the end of the day,I am held up.My income is very low yet i have a lot of resppnsibilities.Even the in subsistence farming ,its challenging for me to get money to buy fertilizers fot my garden."
Khatuwa's family
access_time over 2 years ago
Khatuwa enrolled.
"The challenge is poverty.I desire to buy land in a safer place and relocate.This place is so risky and cold especially when it rains."