GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Furaha's family
access_time 2 years ago
Furaha received a $425 second payment.
"Sending us money directly was a smart move as that was the technique used. This is because it gave us the discretion to spend the money as our real needs required. Thanks to GiveDirectly's transfers, there has been a noticeable difference in the advancements in our hamlet. People invested the funds in a range of projects that met their requirements. Others started enterprises to help their family, while others purchased cattle. Some people built dwellings because they lived in hats. I concur that the enrollment process, which was carried out fairly and evenly, gave a good impression of the organization."
Kahunda's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kahunda received a $440 initial payment.
"I can attest that GiveDirectly is a life-changing organization. Prior to the organization, I was residing in a little hut made of poles and thatched with grass that leaked heavily during the rainy season. When GiveDirectly arrived, I was able to build a good mud-walled house with an iron sheet roof thanks to the transfer. This is a genuine shift that, whatever its shortcomings, would not have been possible without the organization."
Mary's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mary received a $440 initial payment.
"I am a mother of nine and out of them, five children are still in primary school. Before getting the transfer, they were sent home from school for fees. I went to the school to lobby with the administration for my children to be allowed in school as I struggle to source for the fees. Luckily enough the head teacher of the school understood. Upon getting the first transfer, I went back to the school and cleared all the fee arrears amounting to $110 and also paid the current fee required for them which was $80. The total was $190. Currently, I am very happy because my children are settled in school. Their settling in school means good performance to me. I also did some shopping for one of them who was joining secondary school. The shopping cost was $100 and I managed to take him to the school he was called where I paid a starting annual fee of $100. I also paid a foodstuff bill at a shop where we used to take some items on a credit basis which amounted to $80. Thereafter, I opted to save the remaining amount for the family's upkeep after doing some shopping for foodstuff for a whole month."
Dama's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dama received a $440 initial payment.
"I made the decision to build a new house after receiving the first transfer because the one I had crumbled. I spent $361 for 38 pieces of iron sheets, ridges, building poles, and rafters since I wanted a large house. Despite having all the necessary materials, I have not yet begun building since I have ran out of money. I'm eagerly awaiting the second transfer so that I may start building my home. I'm currently waiting for mine while sleeping at my son's house. Even though the construction of my house has not yet begun, I am proud of GiveDirectly for how far I have come because gathering all the building supplies is a significant accomplishment. If it weren't for the organization, my bread-baking business could not have supported me thus far, so I would not have done this fantastic work. I bought food for my family with the small amount that was left over."
Mwenda's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mwenda received a $440 initial payment.
"The hardest thing in life is being a housewife and a mother of five children because you end up becoming a parasite on your partner. Prior to receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly, life had not been easy for a long. I was washing my family's clothing at around three o'clock when I heard a message on my phone. When I checked, I saw that the initial transfer had been made to my account. Since I realized that relief doors were opened for my family, I ululated with joy."
Mary's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mary received a $440 second payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well in sending direct cash transfers through mobile money to poor households in the community. In addition, they were able to fulfil all their commitment and promises on time. I feel there is nothing that they need to change or modify as far as their processes are concerned."
Agnes's family
access_time 2 years ago
Agnes received a $28 fifth payment.
"I work as a hotel attendant, and my daily wages are insufficient to support my family due to the high cost of living. To break the cycle of poverty, I want to start a viable business. My current job does not pay well. As a result, running my business will enable me to meet my children's educational needs. A food canteen and a grocery canteen are two viable business ideas I have. If I am successful in starting a business, I will be able to start raising livestock for the benefit of my children's future."
Katana's family
access_time 2 years ago
Katana received a $440 initial payment.
"I am a single parent, living in a small one-roomed house together with 3 children, a girl and two boys. I had desired to own a decent house but my efforts were in vain due to the poverty condition in the family. I spent $280 to build a decent two-roomed structure, one room for myself and others for the children. Furthermore, I used $170 to support the education of my three children who are both in primary and secondary school. Remaining with them at home because of the huge fee arrears was bothering my mind. At the moment, they are learning without being discontinued because of the transfers. I also bought enough food with the remaining amount because of the ongoing famine in our area."
Maurine's family
access_time 2 years ago
Maurine received a $440 initial payment.
"I was at home cleaning the compound with my 5 children. It was around 2 pm when I received the message notification on my phone. After checking my phone, I was very happy to see that I had received the cash transfer. I was positive that I would accomplish most of my goals through the aid. I had to wait for my spouse who was out to pick up the kids from school. When he arrived I informed him about the good needs and we together celebrated receiving the transfer and started to make plans on how to use the transfer."
Kazosi's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kazosi received a $28 fifth payment.
"This year, I want to construct a house. I'm pleased to report that I have purchased eleven iron sheets and have money set up for five more. There will be no need for a larger residence because I live alone. Once I have the required sixteen pieces of iron sheets, I will go out and buy wood, nails, and construction labor. In order to make the house more stable than a mud house, I will later plaster it. I'll be proud and feel independent once my ambition is realized."