GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"After receiving my first transfer, I was overjoyed and enthusiastic. The funds arrived just as my business was having financial difficulties. I spent $150 in total to purchase more stock for my business. I'm happy that I can now handle many customers, which has significantly increased my profit margins. I spent $100 on barbed wire to fence my homestead in addition to buying more stock for my business. Land encroachment by land fraudsters has become more common in recent months. My homestead's boundaries will be marked by fencing, preventing intruders from poaching my land. The fence is crucial for speeding up security in my compound from thieves, who still steal valuable items whenever they see nobody at home. It not only serves to demarcate my portion of land but also the fence is crucial for speeding up security in my compound from thieves, who still steal valuable items whenever they see nobody at home. Finally, I bought $300 worth of food for my family with the money I had left over. We were unable to grow food on the farm, which would have been much more cost-effective than purchasing it from a grocery store due to the dry climate in our region. I'm very appreciative of the money for enabling me to purchase enough food in bulk to feed my family of six for more than a month."
View Regina's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"I currently wish to buy more goats in order to boost my return on investment. I won't have to struggle to pay my kids' fees as a result.
It will be easier to convert a goat into money when the time comes. I am therefore unable to give a date for adding the goats, but this will be my top priority whenever I receive financing."
View Dama's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"Boosting my poultry business has made a significant difference in my life. Providing for my family was becoming a challenge and the business was almost dying. Again, I could not afford to clear school fees for my six children due to the mere earnings I made. As the balances accrued over the academic term, it became more challenging to clear them. Sometimes, my children were drawn from class to collect them, which made them miss out on their studies. Am glad to say that this is no longer a problem now for the lumpsum amount from GiveDirectly helped me clear all the debts at once."
View Janet's
2 years ago
received a second payment.
"The first thing I did after getting the second transfer was pay off my son's college debt so that he could take his exam. I therefore thought it wise to give the college the necessary $100. My son is delighted right now because he completed his exam without any interruptions, and this has relieved my stress because I enjoy seeing him happy. Additionally, I spent $50 on my three primary school-aged children's tuition. In addition, I spent $30 on school uniforms for them because the ones they had heard about were torn. Due to the protracted drought that prevented us from harvesting anything for the previous three years, I therefore decided to spend the remaining funds for the family's maintenance."
View Alice's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"Before the transfer, I was struggling to make the chemist business alive. It was not thriving because it had fewer drugs and people used to go to the neighboring chemists for drugs since mine was unreliable. Thanks to the transfer, enabled me to equip my business, and as of now all my customers are back and I have earned trust from them that whatever drug they need is available at my chemist. All this is a result of the transfer."
View Brian's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"Over-relying on charcoal making and casual jobs makes me raise minimal income that cannot sustain the family unless I get external financial support. Therefore, for the rest of this year, I have developed a goal of keeping domestic fowl. I will be able to get free eggs from the flock, and I will be able to sell some when they're mature to supplement my income. In addition, I plan to purchase goats and possibly a cow. They are valuable live assets that go a long way in enhancing my living standard. In fact, with a herd of goats, I will not be worried about raising school fees for the children in the primary level of study."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"With my monthly transfer, I have developed a goal of capitalizing on livestock keeping. I consider this a long-term investment as well as an ideal saving plan. It can help my children in terms of raising their fees in the long run. This will help reduce my stress of raising my children's school fees as they progress with their studies since I have a dismal income. Although my parents were too poor to educate me, I always regret why I missed formal education. However, I would not wish my children to experience the same situations. Therefore I go out of my way to ensure that they get the advisory and other support a mother should give. Thanks to GD for the cash transfer that has awakened my dreams."
View Fatuma's
2 years ago
received a $439 second payment.
"GiveDirectly did an excellent job of assisting low-income households in society. Through direct cash transfers, a lot of development has occurred in our area. Conducting community training and informing us when we should expect the cash has helped in making the right decision. In addition, the unconditional nature of the transfer gives us the flexibility to change our plans based on our priorities. I feel there is nothing they should change about the processes."
View Chirchir's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I currently sell chicken and so far I am left with 20 chickens but unfortunately my chicken selling business is not really doing well. So I am planning to leave that business and start a new one that will earn me enough money to better my life and my families life.I want to save enough to open a new kiosk where I will be able to sell wheat and oil. I do not want to start my business at my village because there are not enough people there to support my business. To enable me make a sizable profit, I will create a space and offer them to my neighboring villages. Thank you GiveDirectly for making me believe good things can come"
View Rachel's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"My goal for the upcoming year is to complete my present project, which is building a shelter, and then construct a latrine later because the one we currently have is outdated and unsafe."
View Linet's