GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I thank GiveDirectly for all the transfers I usually receive monthly. It is because of the transfers, I can now confidently think of joining a Merry go round. I want to start my monthly savings of $10 and build myself a new home. The current house I have is very old and it can easily fall when a strong wind blows.My ultimate desire this year is to build my family a big house and save enough to start myself a good business."
View Juliet's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My charcoal selling business has stopped because a lot of people have cut down trees and due to that, I have not been getting income. I thank GiveDirectly for everything and now I want to buy something that when I look at, will remind me of GiveDirectly. So I sat down and came up with a good plan of buying a goat because I don't have any as at now."
View Mariam's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is the fact that I was able to start the construction of a private toilet for my family. This will save us from the problem of having to share one toilet with people whom we highly respect. Additionally, being able to acquire a sewing machine, which will enable me to start a dress-making shop is something that I never thought of achieving soon. I am looking forward to owning a shop, a reliable income-generating activity for myself."
View Hellen's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"I was outside my house relaxing on the veranda while chatting with my two children. I had completed my daily household chores and was spending time with my kids. At that period my phone was charging inside the house. It was around 5 pm when I checked the phone and discovered that I had received the transfer. I felt very happy about receiving the transfer since I did not have any money in the house to support the family's needs like food."
View Esther's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"I had a busy day attending a parent meeting at the nearby private school where my sixth-born child is learning. For all that time, I did not have time to interact with the phone. After arriving home, I heard our neighbours narrating how they received their transfer. Because I am illiterate, I gave the phone to my daughter who checked and discovered that I had received the transfer like others. I felt extremely happy and rejoiced with my family for receiving the transfer."
View Sidi's
2 years ago
received a $144 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is my family's higher standard of living. Clearing school fees and allowing my son to attend all classes is the best feeling in the world, and it has motivated me to work hard through the grocery business I had been running in the hopes of making enough money to pay for the following school terms. I am relieved that I can bring in a larger stock because it eliminates the need for frequent visits to the farm, lowering transportation costs. When I receive the second transfer, I intend to do a lot."
View Judy's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I hope to start a small shop business in our village for my wife. Currently, she is a stay-at-home parent, and her wish is to assist me in raising our family through engaging in income-generating activities. Additionally, she will fulfill her dream of being self-reliant, something that will make my spouse happy."
View Evans's
2 years ago
received a $425 second payment.
"GiveDirectly succeeds by donating money to the underprivileged in the neighborhood so they can improve their homes and even invest in various initiatives of their choosing. They were able to raise their standard of living as a result. I can't think of anything GiveDirectly did poorly. What I can suggest is that, while you do your location scouting in a region, please take into consideration the families who have trouble getting their kids to secondary schools and universities, and if feasible offer them some scholarships. This is what I'm suggesting because after you educate the youth, they will be the ones to end family poverty."
View Dama's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"While resting at home at around 5 pm after the day's hustle, I heard a message tone from my phone. I slowly took it from the table to see what kind of message I had received. I was surprised after the confirmation that I had received $550 from GiveDirectly. I felt very happy and thankful for the money. I wished I could see the sender face to face so that I just shake their hand in gratitude."
View Riziki's
2 years ago
received a $439 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that I am in a well-roofed house not like before. This has restored the joy in my life since I will no longer spend sleepless nights due to the leaking roof. Moreover, I can provide for my basic needs like food without any struggle. All this is courtesy of GiveDirectly."
View Dama's