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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $439 second payment.
"I currently want to establish a business raising livestock, mainly goats. I am aware that it will take some time because the money I make from my occasional work is not enough to accomplish anything right away, but I am confident that with hard effort and financial discipline, I can succeed. Even though I would love to start out with a cow, it won't be realistic because the revenue is unpredictable. As a result, investing in goats will be my initial investment, with the purchase of a cow coming later."
View Kache's
2 years ago
received a $424 second payment.
"GiveDirectly is a decent company. We initially assumed it was just slime like the other organizations I had seen. Given that I was unsure of the organization's sincerity, I took extra precautions to prevent losing my belongings. I began to think that this might actually be a legitimate organization to end poverty when I got the first transfer. Generally speaking, after receiving the second transfer, I came to the conclusion that the organization was of goodness and demanded nothing in return for the assistance it provided. Oh, how I wish it could return."
View Jumwa's
2 years ago
received a $439 second payment.
"Every household, and more so the entire village, received a new look thanks to this program. We were given the freedom to choose how we would use the transfer without being forced to. There is nothing I can find to complain about, other than to urge GiveDirectly to continue helping more villages."
View Dama's
2 years ago
"Being able to cultivate requires us to rent lands to be able to produce what to eat, and to be able to get that money to pay, we have to do casual labour.
Our children struggle to go to school because most of the time we are not able to provide for what they need to be able to study well, some of my children had to drop out and they are not happy with us because we are incapable of providing them with the basic needs. Our house is very small, and all our children sleep on the floor in the living room and they all sleep together boys and girls."
View Mukakalisa's
2 years ago
received a $439 second payment.
"With the $330 from the second transfer, I was able to finish building my two-roomed house. I formerly resided in Nakuru, but with the passing of my mother- and father-in-law, I moved back here with my family. I used to dwell in their home before they passed away whenever my family and I went to visit them in the village. In accordance with Maasai tradition, I must first reside in their home before constructing my own. This was greatly aided by a portion of the first and second transfers. Before GiveDirectly, we didn't have a home, but now I do, thanks to them. My eldest child, who is now married, is one of my three children; the other two are still in high school. paying their tuition has been the main issue because I only depend on growing vegetables and maize for food, while y husband's line of work is driving which also does not provide a lot to carter for school fees, and other necessities in our home. This has been so difficult because of the ongoing drought. Occasionally, during harvest season, I receive little to no yield. Because of this, my family has been unable to eat, which has resulted in poor health and performance due to frequent absences from school due to a lack of school fees."
View Annah's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"My primary goal is to buy and keep goats as I continue to receive my transfers for this year. Since the day I started receiving transfers, I have desired to make the dream come true. I always save $20 each month on a merry-go-round hoping that when it is my turn, I will purchase ten goats at once. I choose to keep goats because they grow and mature faster, are more adaptable, and can survive in our region. Having a herd of goats will help me become financially secure because they are valuable. After I accomplish this, my second goal is to construct a large home. My family of four cannot reside comfortably in the present house because the current home is too small."
View Hamisi's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"Even though I have a business from which I can obtain daily income, I regard it as a small one. As I continue to receive my monthly cash transfer this year, my primary goal is to boost my business by pumping in more capital. Consequently, I shall find it easier to support myself. I will also be able to offer financial support to my mother when the business picks up well. She struggles to pay both the family's bills and the tuition for my four siblings. It will be possible for me to diversify my business by adding new items, like secondhand and ready-made clothing."
View Sharlet's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I intend to launch a small kiosk business this year where I will sell food and vegetables. This is one activity I can do to pass the time as I collect money so I can go to college. I need to start the business in order to raise the $200 to pay my secondary school in order to receive the academic certificates. Once I have the certificates, I will continue to save money until I have enough for my tuition so that I can enroll in college and pursue my dream course in teaching."
View Patience's
2 years ago
received a sixth payment.
"Two months ago, my home's iron and wooden doors dislodged. This year, I want to purchase a sturdy, long-lasting metallic door using the savings from subsequent transfers. My heart will be at ease once the door has been fixed because I will know that my belongings inside the house are secure. The other objective I have for this year and the future is to see my children do well in school. This will be made possible by making sure their tuition is paid on time and by providing financial assistance by buying the necessary school supplies."
View Kabibi's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"My main objective for this year is to make sure that my children stay in school and continue their education. Two of my 4 children are starting secondary school, and the other two are in primary school. All of them have significant financial difficulties related to their tuition, but I am confident that the funds from the transfer will significantly contribute to my ability to keep them in school. My fervor and drive to see them pursue their goal of becoming doctors will drive me even harder and ensure they have a supportive learning environment."
View Jumwa's