GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Karisa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Karisa received a $28 sixth payment.
"By the end of the year, I wish to have repaired my roof whose iron sheets have rusted over time, which makes water leak in whenever it rains. The plan is to secure 22 pieces of iron sheets and other roofing materials first, then hire a builder to take on the exercise. Having already acquired four pieces through the cash transfers and my savings, I plan to continue saving enough for the rest. "
Karicha's family
access_time 2 years ago
Karicha received a $28 sixth payment.
"After the transfers cease in five years' time, I would never wish to go back to entirely depending on my son for my needs. My aim is to rear livestock and poultry as a form of future investment. Though a bigger part of my transfers is consumed by food, I intend to start saving for these animals. I would be happy if I acquired 5 hens and two goats by the end of the year through cash transfers. "
Katsaka's family
access_time 2 years ago
Katsaka received a $28 tenth payment.
"Owning a house is one of the things I wish to accomplish in the following year and beyond. I feel like staying in the kitchen has deprived me of my privacy, which will be plentiful when I build my own shelter. My plan is to build a two-room house, made of mud walls and a tin roof. I would like to single-handedly finance the project with no support from my son since he has a huge responsibility burden of fending for his seven children. I believe that the cash transfers will help make this dream a reality. After that, I will venture into livestock keeping as a stream of income. "
Shida's family
access_time 2 years ago
Shida received a $28 sixth payment.
"My three children count on their father and me to support their education until they graduate from college. As we speak, one of them is already in college, one is in high school and the other is set to join secondary school next week. I would be happy if they would study without being constantly pulled out of class to collect tuition fees. My greatest accomplishment would be funding their education to college without having them miss any classes. "
Tabu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Tabu received a $28 sixth payment.
"I never imagined that I would be able to raise livestock before I was enrolled in GiveDirectly's program. I had yearned for it, even though my income was insufficient to achieve such ambitions. Now that I am assured of my continuous transfers, I intend to purchase additional goats to maintain a number while still in the program. I see this as an investment that will pay off handsomely when the program comes to an end. Apart from livestock, the transfers will enable me to pay school fees for my five school-age children every month, reducing the accumulation of fee arrears."
James's family
access_time 2 years ago
James received a $28 sixth payment.
"I used to run a business where I would acquire animals from the community and then sell it in the adjacent market. Sadly, it did not work out because we spent all the money, leaving farming as my only source of income. Unfortunately, our recent drought has resulted in low productivity, therefore I intend to revive the business to increase my household's income. I have already started saving $10 each month to raise the necessary funds in order to accomplish this. My kids are in school now, and once they enter secondary school, their fees will increase. As a result, the business's earnings will help us pay for our home expenses, particularly those related to school."
Hadija's family
access_time 2 years ago
Hadija received a $28 tenth payment.
"I am grateful for the assistance because it has primarily been used to cover my children's educational costs. Since then, they have never missed class due to unpaid tuition. I still aim to use it for the same purpose, but in order to prevent them from having difficulties attending class in the future, I plan to buy at least three goats to raise. Every year, they give birth, sometimes to more than one offspring, which increases their productivity. In order to raise money for the kids' school fees in the future, I will sell some of them."
Ali's family
access_time 2 years ago
Ali received a $28 sixth payment.
"This year has me really thrilled because I want to establish a business where I can sell motorbike spare parts. To do this, I'll be saving up the money from each transfer. Additionally, I want to invest the money by purchasing goats and chickens to help me financially in the future. Last but not least, as it has been a constant struggle for my family and I, nutrition is unquestionably a priority."
Benjamin's family
access_time 2 years ago
Benjamin received a sixth payment.
"My main objective for the money I would receive this year is to start a chicken farming business that will help me provide for my family. Additionally, I intend to utilize this money to assist my parents in covering the tuition costs for my eight siblings. Since they already struggle to make ends meet, they will require financial assistance"
Mkutano's family
access_time 2 years ago
Mkutano received a $28 sixth payment.
"This year, paying my four children's tuition is my top priority because I want them to continue their education uninterrupted. I therefore intend to pay off whatever debt I may have with their schools with the money I will receive this year. In addition, I want to spend the money on food since the drought makes it difficult for my family and I to get enough to eat. Finally, I also hope that the money will enable me to invest in a couple of goats."