GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
George's family
access_time over 8 years ago
George received a $99 initial payment.
"I am planning to buy a piece of land with the upcoming lump-sum."
Perez's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Perez enrolled.
"I am proudest that I have managed to take good care of my children after my spouse died twenty years ago. I have struggled to feed and educate them."
Willis's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Willis enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face is providing for my family, since am the breadwinner. I also take care of some of my siblings, the little I earn is not sufficient."
Beatrice's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Beatrice enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is having joined a women's support group and after saving my earnings for a while I was able to buy a few goats."
Margaret's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Margaret enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is lack of a sustainable source of income for myself. I am the sole breadwinner for my family and as I continue ageing it becomes more difficult for me to cater for all my family's basic needs."
Cynthia's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Cynthia enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is lack of enough money to renovate my house, buy household items and clothes for my children."
Nancy's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Nancy enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is having given birth to three wonderful children who are my pride and joy."
Elector's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Elector enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that I have educated my children and built my house. My spouse died when our firstborn was in class three and he is now in forth form."
Fredrick's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Fredrick received a $99 initial payment.
"pay for a piece land because the piece of land that I own is small."
Maureen's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Maureen received a $99 initial payment.
"I plan to buy oxen for ploughing, and a cow for milk. I also hope to open a grocery shop so that I may have a source of income."