We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Having a place to work in is our greatest challenge, our family is expanding day by day but we don't have enough land of our own it require us to rent lands from others to be able to produce enough for our family.
Currently we don't get enough produce from our harvest because we lack enough fertiliser, the livestock we have doesn't give us necessary fertiliser to use.
We have a big family of 6 people and our house is very small to accommodate all of us , our children have to sleep all together boys and girls and above all they sleep on the floor because we can't afford beds for them , our young daughter still sleeps with us.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We were able to secure a land recently, we sold a pig that we had owned for about a year and this enabled us to get money to buy a land that we have been wanting for a year because the owner didn't want to sell and at the time we didn't have enough money to pay for it , when we finally bought the land it brought us joy. For us having a land is more economical than livestocks because my husband thereafter was able to work for others in the past days and he got enough money to buy another pig.
3 months ago we gave birth to healthy baby girl and this was amazing for us and we are thankful for it.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Our plan for the first installment is to build a kitchen, because our current one is very small and we also plan to renovate our house and buy food for our children
The second installment we want to buy livestocks, we plan to buy a cow for $300 which will help us get fertilisers to use , we also plan to buy clothes, beds and matress for our children and if we save enough we plan to buy a land.
Receiving this money means getting out of a bad life , we will be able to have fertiliser and milk from our cow and we will be able to get some income from the action we plan to accomplish from this money.