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Newsfeed > Shukurani's Profile
Shukurani's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($428 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I intend to join a merry-go-round where I will be savoring weekly. With the savings, I hope to start a small business selling food. This will be a great boost to the income that my husband and I make from our current job.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am employed as a casual cook at a nearby school where I earn $25 per month. My husband is a motorcycle rider and he gets at least $4 - $5 daily, but since the bike is a hire purchase he has to pay some amount weekly to settle the pending debt. Together we are blessed with two children, but only one is in school at the moment. The house we live in is not in a good condition, the roof is old and leaks during rainy days. Upon receiving the second transfer, we agreed with my husband to have our house renovated thus we spent $300 to buy all the required materials and to pay the mason. We also bought a solar panel for which we only paid a deposit of $50. With the remaining money, I bought some new pairs of school uniforms for my child and other clothes for the entire family. I also replenished foodstuff in the house that would last us for a month.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I appreciate everything and wish GiveDirectly would continue doing the same as they reach out to other people too. I have no complaints to report regarding the operations.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($464 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a housewife and a mother of two children while my husband is a motorcycle taxi driver. On many occasions, before the transfer, my husband would come back home empty-handed, no food for the family. Therefore, when we received the transfer, we saw it as the best opportunity to take a motorcycle on credit in which we paid KES 25,000 as a deposit. The remaining balance we are planning to settle using our next transfer plus my husband daily income for the taxi job. Furthermore, I bought bed worth KES 8,000 and mattress worth KES 7,000. Previously, we used to sleep on floor which was very cold during the night. On many occasions, my younger child would be off and on from hospital due to colds. We currently enjoy our sleeps without fear of catching cold or pneumonia. I also bought three iron sheet worth KES 3,000, we are planning to build a small kitchen to help me with cooking especially during rainy and sunny seasons. In addition, I bought food for the family worth KES 5,000. Before, we couldn't get enough food for the family, however, since we began receiving the transfers, we currently have enough and decent meal which has improved our health greatly. I won't forget to mention that we also bought clothes for the entire family. I am happy to say that buying new clothes for the family has boosted our self-esteem.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life since I began receiving the transfer was buying my family a bed worth KES 8,000 and a mattress worth KES 7,000. Previously, we would spend our sleeps on old beddings on the floor which was quite uncomfortable. My two children would occasionally catch colds due to the cold weather at night. As for me and my husband, we would wake up feeling weak and tired due to backbone pain which affected my husband productivity at work. I am grateful for the support provided by GiveDirectly since we currently enjoy our sleeps. In addition, we also took a motorcycle. We paid KES 25,000 from our first transfer as deposit. This has enabled my husband to have a constant source of income for the family unlike before when we would both be at home being I am a housewife. The family have got enough food on a daily basis.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 7 pm when I heard a phone vibration. I was just relaxing on the coach waiting for my husband when I reached to my phone to check the alert. I was overjoyed when I saw the confirmation receipt of KES 55,000. I couldn't keep quiet, I told my husband immediately he was home. It was a new dawn for us a family. I knew I would be able to pay my son in grade 1 fees. I also saw it as a best opportunity for us to buy a motorcycle for my husband so that he would have a stable source of income for our two children. I am currently a housewife while my husband is a motorcycle taxi driver which we took on credit using the transfer we received.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a housewife and I majorly depend on my spouse who is working as a charcoal burner. His job is tiresome and time-consuming yet his income is less than KES 5000 per month. This amount is not enough to cater to all our household basic needs like food. We occasionally skipped meals or even borrow from other relatives something that does not give me peace of mind. Therefore I consider financial instabilities as the biggest challenge that I am currently facing.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was blessed with a baby girl in the month of February (baby number two). This brought joy to my life. This is because I came out of the labor room alive despite all complications that I had during pregnancy. This is something that I can not take for granted since many pregnant women lost their lives during childbirth.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receiving this money means restoring the dignity that I have lost for a long time. This is because I am currently living in a small house ( one room) that is not spacious enough to accommodate my family of 4. This creates unfavourable living conditions for me because I can not get the privacy I need with my husband. My ambition over the years has been to own a better house that can accommodate my family comfortably, but due to lack of money, I have not achieved this. I am a housewife and my spouse is doing charcoal work that earns him less than KES per month. This makes it impossible for us to save and build a better house. I will use KES 50000 to build a two-bedroom house with an iron sheet roof that is spacious enough to accommodate my family comfortably.