We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($316 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the first transfer, I had carefully planned how to improve our living conditions after relocating from our original home with my family of 8, including my mother, due to community conflicts caused by cattle rustling. We had been cramped in a single temporary flat-roofed room, which was too small for us and provided no privacy. Out of the most recent transfer, I spent $276 on purchasing all the necessary construction materials. I was relieved to later spend $50 on labor to construct a new house with two spacious rooms that we are currently living in. This improvement brought us much-needed comfort after enduring a long and devastating struggle in a small room. To further enhance our living situation, I invested $40 in buying a large bed to supplement the small one we were using. Now, we sleep comfortably and wake up feeling refreshed for our daily routine. Additionally, I used $60 to buy food from the nearby shopping center, with a $2 motorcycle taxi fare to transport it home. Furthermore, I spent $30 on acquiring a goat to add to the 8 we already had, as we had previously lost a herd of over 50 cows due to theft and more than 100 goats, which was a painful experience that took me time to recover from. However, with the support from GiveDirectly, my hope has been restored, and I feel it has saved me from the brink of depression.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's intervention came at a crucial moment when I was on the brink of depression. After having to leave our original home due to community conflicts that resulted in the loss of my brother, 100 goats, and 50 cows, life became challenging. However, thanks to GiveDirectly's support, things started to improve, and I now have hope of eventually returning to a more stable situation with the ongoing projects we are involved in. Currently, I am cultivating 1 acre of maize under a lease, and I am optimistic that the proceeds from this endeavor will contribute towards purchasing a piece of land. GiveDirectly executed everything perfectly without discriminating, and we sincerely hope that their efforts will not only continue in our village but also extend to other villages where there is a greater need for the support.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Although I am currently residing on another well-wisher's land with permission to construct a house, my goal for the coming year and beyond is to start saving up to purchase my own land. I am diligently working on the leaseholds where I farm, aiming for a better harvest that can provide enough food for my family and allow me to save the surplus funds to eventually buy a piece of land. After the community conflicts forced us to leave our original home and resulted in the loss of most of our wealth, including 100 goats and over 50 cows, we now have only 8 goats left. My plan is to breed these goats, as they will serve as a source of both milk and income when we sell them in the future. This endeavor is essential for securing a stable future for my family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($325 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I decided to invest a significant portion of the $200 I received into farming. Specifically, I allocated $100 for leasing one hectare of land and the remaining $100 for purchasing necessary inputs. Despite facing financial limitations in the past, my passion for farming has always persisted. Therefore, receiving the transfers filled me with happiness and hope as it presented an opportunity to pursue my long-held dream.I am optimistic that the agricultural produce from this endeavor will not only provide food for my family but also help address the recurring issue of famine in our area. Additionally, any surplus harvested can be sold to meet various household needs.
Additionally, I have plans to construct a better and more comfortable house for my family, as our current dwelling is in poor condition. The roof is made of iron sheets, but the walls are constructed from mud and are weak, posing a risk of collapsing during strong winds. To initiate the project, I used $70 to purchase 10 iron sheets. I intend to utilize the upcoming transfers to complete the construction.
Recognizing the urgent need, I allocated $30 to buy clothes for my three children, who are currently lacking proper attire and have been wearing worn-out clothes. With the remaining funds, I purchased a sufficient quantity of food to sustain my family for an extended period of time.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GD excels in uplifting the economic status of individuals within their project areas. This is primarily due to the direct transfers received through mobile phones, which have enabled us to fulfill dreams that once seemed unattainable. In my opinion, the organization is performing its duties exceptionally well, and I have not identified any areas that require improvement
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As an internally displaced person (IDP) from Arabal, I have been forced to leave my home due to the recurring banditry in our region. Currently, I am residing on borrowed land. However, my long-term plan for the upcoming year and beyond is to purchase my own land in this area and establish a permanent settlement.
To achieve this goal, I intend to continue with my farming activities, hoping to generate income that can be saved towards the eventual purchase of land
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($136 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With my first transfer, I spent $100 on roughly six iron sheets and other building supplies so that we may begin constructing a functional structure for the shelter. With the remaining money, I purchased enough food for my family to last for about a month and I also got clothes and other house essential s for us since we literally had nothing.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The major difference in our lives now is that we are gradually regaining control of our lives from literal pieces, which Of course will take a lot of time,money and energy but at least Give Directly gave us a place to begin with.
Having to start life all over again can be incredibly challenging and frustrating since we are never sure if we can be able to recover what we lost but at the moment, the most important thing is safety.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Since the last few months have been so difficult for me, I was delighted to receive transfers from Give Directly.
Communities in my neighborhood were fighting, so I was forced to flee for my safety, leaving everything behind and starting again with nothing.
Life was just too difficult for my family since we had neither had a place to sleep, food nor money for education.
access_time 2 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I currently have a lot of challenges. The housing issue, however, is the most urgent one. We were forced to relocate here as internally displaced people in 2017 when bandits drove us out of Arabal (IDP). Because I don't have a place of my own, I've lived in three separate places. My family and I have been profoundly impacted by this since we feel like outcasts who must rely on the kindness of others. I occasionally wish I could live on my own piece of land.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Being able to find employment has been the happiest experience of the last six months. A farm that specializes in irrigation has offered me a job. This gave me great joy because it allowed me to support my family. I always felt incredibly happy when I brought meals home.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
At $600, I intend to buy a plot of land. Since we will have a home of our own, this would be advantageous for my family and I.We are internally displaced person's from banditry prone areas in Baringo county. With our own piece of land we will not live like outcasts. Given that my current residence is not the best place to live, I intend to build a more luxurious home with the remaining funds. I'll also buy food for my family; at the very least, a sack of maize will be very helpful.