We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($336 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The cash transfer I received from GiveDirectly was a game changer .On receiving the second transfer, I used $300 to clear the debt of a shamba that I had already started using the first transfer in Shtaki, securing one acre of land where my father's shamba is located. This new plot is a ray of hope for my son's future, as I plan to build a home for him there. Being the sole breadwinner after my husband left in search of better opportunities and never returned, my previous income of $12 a week was barely enough for food, but now, I invest in burning charcoal for a living. I allocated $180 to buy construction materials for our new home, addressing the need for a stable living space. Recognizing the unreliable water supply, I also purchased a tank to ensure a consistent water flow. Additionally, a portion of the money went towards circumcising my son, something I couldn't afford before. The remaining funds were joyfully spent on celebrating Christmas, bringing warmth and festivity to our lives in a way we hadn't experienced in a long time.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has been a means of survival for me, and what sets them apart is their unwavering commitment to providing support without dictating how the funds should be utilized. The beauty of the unconditional cash transfer lies in its flexibility – it acknowledges that individuals know their needs best. There's a profound sense of empowerment in being able to address immediate needs without external interference. Everything about the process has been smooth, and the freedom to decide how to allocate the funds has been instrumental in transforming my circumstances. Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing about the approach.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In future, my aspirations are powered by a desire to provide a secure and comfortable life for my family. One of my main goals is to build a 3-roomed house and a proper toilet on our new shamba, ensuring a decent shelter for my loved ones. Am banking on farming as a means to secure both sufficient food for my family and savings that would otherwise be spent on purchasing food. This shift in focus reflects my commitment to a more sustainable and self-reliant lifestyle. Despite the unpredictability of charcoal prices in my burning charcoal venture, I am optimistic that through diligent farming and well advised financial management, I can achieve these goals and create a positive change in our lives. The prospect of providing my family with a stable home and ensuring their well-being through self-sustaining practices fills me with hope and determination for the future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($361 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Currently, I reside on land that does not belong to me. Due to our cultural customs, as a female child, I am not entitled to inherit land. However, it has always been my cherished aspiration to own land, and in order to fulfill this dream, I had to take matters into my own hands and purchase it myself. With my initial transfer, I allocated $500 towards acquiring a one-acre plot of land, which had a total cost of $850. I am filled with happiness and optimism, knowing that I am now on the path to becoming the full owner of this land, where I can cultivate and eventually build a house for myself. The remaining amount was utilized to purchase food. The financial support I have received has played a significant role in enabling me to achieve my long-term dream, and I am incredibly grateful.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most profound change in my life since receiving the transfers is the realization of my long-term dream of owning land. I am now one step closer to achieving this dream after making the initial payment. The happiness I feel is immeasurable, and I extend my sincere gratitude to GiveDirectly for their noble act of assisting the less fortunate members of our society.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
One day, after a tiring day of working on the farm, I was resting outside my house when I received a text message. Initially, I dismissed it, assuming it was a routine message from my service provider. However, my nephew later checked my phone and informed me that I had received money from GiveDirectly. My joy knew no bounds, and a wide smile adorned my face. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I knelt down and offered a prayer of thanks to the Lord.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Living with my son at my maternal home is another challenge that I am yet to resolve. Since I have a son, my wish is to own a piece of land where I can call mine or even shift and establish my new home in the future. For this reason, I will spend $300 of my money to buy a piece of land because it's still cheap in our area. On the other hand, I will construct a new house because I am currently seeking refuge from my brother's house. This has robbed away my joy and I wish to offset this menace. I, therefore, intend to spend $600 of my money to make this dream a reality. The remaining amount will support my son's education. Achieving this will mean a better livelihood and this is basically what receiving this money means to me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My husband was not responsible and I had to part ways with him many years ago. This has forced me to live my own life at my maternal home although he sometimes visit us, maybe after a period of 2 year. Raising my son single-handedly yet I have a husband who is not responsible is a very tough life. This means I have to assume all the household responsibilities and I am required to engage in casual jobs to earn some cash for food. In addition, my house collapsed and I can not construct a new one because I do not have money. This has compelled me to seek refuge in my brother's house, a situation that has worsen my social status. What a life!
What is the happiest part of your day?
Life was so tough considering that, I only depended on magnesium extraction to earn money for food. In a week, I usually get $10 which I use to buy food. Sometimes, it used to get worse when my son is sent out of school because I usually get confused to balance between buying food and school fees with my $10. Fortunately, this year came with blessings of rain and I managed to harvest 1 bag of 90 kilograms. This will help me to save the little money from the casual work to help my son in school. Hence, the food I have at home is what has brought joy to my life.