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Newsfeed > Kandenge's Profile
Kandenge's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
33rd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my goal is to buy more goats to secure my family's future, especially when it comes to my children's education. Goats are a valuable asset that can provide stability, and I believe that by steadily saving at least $10 every month, I can grow my herd. This investment will ensure that when school fees come up, I have the means to support my children without financial strain. By focusing on building this asset, I am setting a foundation for their future and ours as a family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am a father of six, working hard through casual jobs to provide for my family, with the support of my eldest son. With the last three transfers I received, I knew I had to make wise decisions that would benefit my family both now and in the future. I invested $68 in buying two more goats, bringing my total to three. I chose goats because they breed quickly and can be sold easily. This way, my family can rely on them for income, especially during difficult times. Having livestock gives me a sense of security, knowing I have something to fall back on. In addition to this, I spent $8 on examination fees for my children. Their education is a priority, and I want to ensure they don’t miss any opportunities to succeed. Lastly, I used $26 to buy food for the family. It’s important to ensure everyone is well-fed and healthy, so this was a necessary expense. With these transfers, I was able to balance immediate needs with long-term investments, giving my family both stability and hope for the future.
29th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The transfers from GiveDirectly arrived at a time when my family was ready to start preparing our farm for the upcoming rainy season. The previous year, our farm had done well and provided sufficient produce, and we hoped that this year it would do the same too. I therefore allocated $54 for farm preparation and the purchase of necessary farm inputs, bracing ourselves for a good harvest this year. Unfortunately, the rain did not come, and almost everything dried up. Additionally, I used the remaining $48 from the transfers to purchase a goat and two chickens with the hope that they would multiply and increase in number and value over time. In the future, my plan is to sell these animals and use the proceeds to pay the school fees for my four children. This will allow the children to continue their education and have better lives going forward.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As a parent of four school-aged children without a business or a job that brings in money, my responsibility is to see to it that my children finish their education and lead better lives in the future. In order to do this, I made the decision to start livestock farming. I bought goats and chickens with the transfers I got from GiveDirectly and plan to use more of my transfers to buy more livestock in the hopes that they would multiply and gain value over time, enabling me to sell them later to pay for my childrens' education and provide for my family as needed. I'm excited about this venture and am optimistic that it will be beneficial to my family in the years to come.
26th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I am grateful that last year, I invested some of the transfers in farming. Recently, I harvested enough food that I am sure will last for the next few months. Now, I can use the transfers for other needs besides maize flour. Therefore, I bought other household materials like toiletries—soap, oil, and sugar—using $21. Additionally, I spent another $9 to buy books for one of my children who needed them, as I had not raised money for the books. Furthermore, I purchased clothes for myself for $23. I did not have enough clothes, and the old ones I had were tattered due to repetitive use. Now, when I am in public, I have decent new clothes; people might mistake me for someone who resides in town, and I am immensely proud of that. Also, with the ongoing rains, I allocated $34 for plowing my land to prepare for another planting season and bought bean seeds for $10. I love farming because it alleviates the concern of food, which is the main priority. It is also great because I do not want to go back to making charcoal to put food on the table. I took a break from the practice when I started receiving the transfers, and I have never gone back, nor do I ever want to.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I want to start rearing livestock like goats. Rearing livestock is important to me because as they reproduce, they increase the herd. Each of my two wives has goats, and I have always wanted to imitate their course. In the future, I can sell them to raise money for my needs like school fees for my four school-going children and food. Even after the cash transfers have ended, I will not have to revert to making charcoal like I used to because I can sell the goats to raise funds.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
During the rainy season, as people were planting their crops, I felt grateful for the financial support from GiveDirectly that enabled me to invest in plowing. I paid $32 to hire laborers to plow two acres of my land, allowing me to plant maize crops. The crops have grown well, and I used the remaining $2 to compensate for the weeding part of the farm. Observing the progress of my farm, I am pleased with the flourishing maize crops and I give all credits to the cash transfers. Additionally, I used $16 to settle the balance for my daughter who was completing high school. Clearing this amount ensured she could leave the school premises with her leaving certificate. The remaining $23 was utilized to purchase food, addressing a shortage in the household. Another $29 was spent to acquire a goat to rear it. The goal is for the goat to reproduce in the future, creating wealth that can be used to support my family's needs after the cash transfers cease. Previously, I used to make a living by producing charcoal to provide for my eight children. However, with the support of the cash transfers, I have taken a break from this strenuous activity, allowing for more significant periods of rest.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking forward to next year, I have plans for the first few months. With the expectation of a harvest in the coming months, I aim to leverage the cash transfers to buy more goats. By the end of the year, I hope to have acquired at least five additional goats, contributing to the creation of wealth that can sustain the needs of my eight children. I express gratitude and pray for continued blessings to GiveDirectly for the impactful work they do.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent $24 towards the purchase of essential provisions such as a bale of maize flour, sugar, and beans. This acquisition ensured an ample food supply for my family. My foremost concern revolved around the scarcity of sustenance within my household. My primary income source has been selling charcoal, and while my son contributes through construction jobs, their pay is not much. The abundance of food holds significant importance for both me and my children. This security has been a source of gratitude and relief. Additionally, a portion of the funds was directed towards covering the educational expenses of my six children. Among them, two are enrolled in high school, while the remaining four attend primary school. Seeking bursaries has been a consistent endeavor for the high school students, although the support has been limited. I find contentment in the fact that my children have never faced dismissal from their educational pursuits due to financial constraints, a positive outcome largely attributable to the financial assistance received.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I missed out on the chance for an education due to financial limitations, and I am determined to spare my children from a similar fate. It's my earnest desire to witness them fulfill their aspirations. Among my six children, two are pursuing high school education, while the remaining four are in primary school. Given my advanced age and the inability to partake in physical labor, the task of funding their education would have posed significant challenges. However, the financial assistance I've received has proven immensely beneficial. At this stage in my life, my primary objective revolves around ensuring that my children's educational aspirations are realized. The timely payment of their school fees has become my utmost focus and purpose.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To support my large family of seven children and two wives, I purchased ten packets of 2kg maize flour. However, as a charcoal seller, my earnings are meager, and it is challenging to meet all the financial needs of my family, such as paying for my children's education and buying food and clothing. It is heartbreaking to explain to my children that we cannot afford to buy food, so receiving my monthly transfer is always a relief. This funding helps me avoid difficult questions and enables me to provide for my family. In addition to buying maize flour, I also purchased three kilograms of beans, three kilograms of rice, and two kilograms of sugar. With the remaining $5, I bought water and personal items that I often need. I am grateful for the monthly transfers that have helped me support my family during challenging financial times.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, in addition to providing for my family's basic needs and covering my children's school fees, I plan to use some of my monthly transfers to purchase and raise livestock. My current source of income is limited, and I believe that diversifying my income streams through livestock farming will be beneficial. By selling these animals at a good price in the market, I anticipate that I will earn significant profits. Moreover, the current weather conditions are favorable for livestock farming, and this will enable me to establish and expand my livestock selling business.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
At the time the funds were being sent out my biggest predicament was the fact that I barely had any food and at times I would have to go hungry for a couple of days. That is why I was over the moon when I realized that GiveDirectly had sent out the money and I immediately went out to spend KES 2,400 on purchasing a bag of maize flough which contained a dozen packets. I also spent the remaining balance of KES 1,000 by purchasing one and a half kilograms of sugar, groceries on a daily basis, tea leaves and also clean drinking water since it was scarce due to drought.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I was very optimistic that we would start harvesting food from the farm this year. My main objective with farm food in plenty for consumption was to purchase livestock with the transfer earnings this year. However, due to the severe effects of the drought that have weathered all the farm's crops, this won't be the case. My current plan is to use the cash to buy food, water, and just enough to cover my children' school expenses. The situation is getting worse every day due to the sun's harsh rays. We hope for better times so that we can put the money to work for us, but if things continue as they are, there is no choice but to spend it on buying food.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To feed my family, I rely solely on charcoal burning. The physical demands of the practice cause me to strain so much, and my body is always sore and tired due to my advanced age. Even after the struggle, the most I can earn in a week is KES 800, which scarcely secures food for the four children who rely on me. In fact, we had slept hungry for three days in a row prior to the transfer. As a result, I used the entire transfer amount to buy food and sanitary necessities for my family, such as soap. At least, we had a week of consistent meals without going hungry.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time almost 3 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
It has been over 6 years since I retired from my job because of old age. I worked in the same job for over 30 years. I exhausted all my savings in clearing school debts for my 8 children who are still in school. My wife’s investment in the farm went down the drain, with nothing to harvest after all the crops dried up because of the drought. I have struggled to buy food and clothes and pay school fees for my children. With no means of income, it forced me into burning and sell charcoal to earn a living. The earnings from the sale of the charcoal are too little as I make KES 300 per bag. Making the charcoal takes a while (2 weeks) before it is ready to sell, making it a very tedious job. My low strength because of my age is an enormous challenge for me in making and selling as many bags of charcoal. Since I do not earn money daily, I have often failed to buy food for my family, forcing them to skip meals (one meal per day) and sleep hungry (minimum of two days a week). Therefore, upon receiving my transfer of KES 3000, I spent it all on buying food for the family. I opted to spend it all on food because that was the most pressing need my family had.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I would like to thank GiveDirectly for helping us through the unconditional transfers. The transfers have helped me buy food for the family during this hard time when the farms are no longer productive. I would like the organization to put more emphasis on the timings of the transfers. I suffered when I missed my transfer last month since I heavily depend on it.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($11 USD)
access_time 3 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I retired from my job two years ago because of my old age. I have seven children who are still studying in school and two wives. Since I retired from my job, I have been struggling to provide for my family in terms of giving them food and also paying school fees. When I came back home from town where I worked as a butcher, I burned woods to make charcoal so that I would earn a living and look after for my family. The charcoal making business is not productive and lucrative. It takes a long time to make the charcoal, very tiresome and the earning are very little. The little I earn is spent all in feeding the family and little is left to save or pay school fees for my children. When I received the transfer, I spent the entire amount of KSH 1200 to buy food for my family. Because of the colossal size of my family, I had earned no money from selling the charcoal and my children were not going to school due to hunger and that forced me to spend in buying the food so that I could ease their suffering. I am happy that after buying the food in bulk, they could go back to school and continued with their studies.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Yes, the transfer has made a big difference in my life and that of my children. With the current economic conditions, it is very hard to find a job. This has made me to struggle to a point where I cannot provide for my family and they have to sleep on empty stomachs. I am grateful the money helped me buy food for my family and the children were thrilled.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was on my way going to find a seller to buy the charcoal so that I could use the money to buy food. While on my way, I received a text message on my phone. I checked it out and found out that I had received my transfer. Upon realizing that, I instantly became thrilled. I spun around and headed to the Mpesa shop to withdraw the money. While headed there, I met some of my friends who were jovial. We hurriedly walked there to the Mpesa shop as we talked and laughed loudly.
access_time over 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The unpredictable state of this drought has got my hands tied. I'm afraid of plowing my 4-acre piece of land in preparation for rain and planting because we're not sure it will get better. If we had food on the farm, the burden would be lesser because finances would be channeled to school fees and probably businesses.
What is the happiest part of your day?
One of my children is undertaking a diploma in teaching from Shanzu Teacher's College. I am so proud of her and I want the same for the ones who are in school. I hope to be alive when they all graduate and move on to good jobs.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I have seven children who are in school. At my age, I have to work very hard and leave them with an education. I hope they study and get good jobs so that they won't have to struggle with their own families in old age. This money from Give Directly will be used to pay their school fees. That is the best thing I can do for them at this point.