GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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10 months ago
received a $25 eighteenth payment.
"This year, my main objective is to transition to agribusiness. During the previous planting season, I achieved remarkable success, harvesting twenty-two bags of maize from just two acres of land. The abundance of food ensures that my family will be well taken care of for several months, which brings me great satisfaction. My strategy moving forward involves investing in improved farming techniques to attain an even greater harvest, allowing me to sell surplus produce and provide additional support for my family. To accomplish this goal, I intend to utilize upcoming transfers. A higher income will enable us to meet our family's essential needs, including food, medication, and better housing. I am sincerely grateful for this assistance, as it has positively transformed my life in numerous ways."
View Francis's
10 months ago
received a $1201 second payment.
"I hope to be a great farmer this year and even next year"
View Nasilo's
10 months ago
received a $334 third payment.
"Every morning, I wake up and take my goats and cows to drink water. By noon, I'm back home. One day, some people from Givedirectly came to visit me. I didn't know about it before, but I accepted the free money after they explained it to me. I'm really happy and grateful because now I have extra goats and cows that I can sell if I need money in an emergency. Please keep doing your good work and helping people get out of poverty."
View Richard's
10 months ago
received a $334 third payment.
"I spent $100 to buy two goats. Goats do really well here and they multiply easily. I decided to get two more goats, so now I have 32. I love having lots of goats. They don't need much help during dry seasons, unlike cows and sheep. I also spent $40 on food. I used to rely on my son, who has a hotel at Maoi center, but now I can take care of myself. With the rest of the money, I finished building my house. It's just one room made of iron sheets, and I still use my old house, made of grass and mud, as a kitchen. I'm really happy and thankful for everything."
View Michael's
10 months ago
received a $408 initial payment.
"When GiveDirectly enrolled me in their program, it was the first time I had ever owned a phone. However, operating a phone has been challenging for me because I am illiterate. I need assistance from my helper to use it. Despite this, I was determined to know when GiveDirectly would send me the cash they had promised. One day, while I was harvesting maize on my farm, my neighbour asked me whether I had received my money. I couldn't check because I didn't understand how to use the phone. When I got home, I called my son, who checked and confirmed that my first transfer had been sent. I was extremely happy, and I couldn't hold back my emotions. I have been living in a grass-thatched hut for most of my life, which is leaking and in poor condition. With the money I received, my priority was to build a decent iron-roofed house."
View Kadzo's
10 months ago
received a $1204 second payment.
"Recipient is planning to relocate by the end of the year but is waiting upon funds"
View Wakwale's
10 months ago
received a $1204 second payment.
"I spent most of my transfer on the house because I was living in a very bad state"
View Mashipwe's
10 months ago
received a $334 third payment.
"I had used the second transfer to purchase building posts which costed me a lot of money. This is because we had to look for these fencing materials from far. I am glad that I was able to buy enough chain links and now I can plant some maize in my farm. At least it will not be attacked by my own goats and goats from my neighbours. During this period I was also able to buy enough maize that we have been consuming with my family. I still have $80 that I use to meet my daily needs at all times. I have been able to use the transfers that I got to gain stability within my family albeit for sometime. I am happy that I will be able to have memories from the things that I have been able to accomplish."
View Kabon's
10 months ago
received a $335 third payment.
"I first heard about Givedirectly from my neighbors, who said the money came from bad places. But I said I'd take the cash without hesitation because I have lots of problems and bills to pay. I was super happy when I got the money because it meant I could pay some bills. I felt blessed by God because if the money wasn't good, God wouldn't have let the company grow like this. When you go to other villages, keep helping people and tell them to use the money wisely, especially the youth who can do a lot with their energy unlike us older people."
View Kimoi's
10 months ago
received a $335 third payment.
"The support I received from GiveDirectly has had a positive impact on me. Receiving unconditional cash assistance allowed me to address my most pressing challenges effectively. What touched me the most was the follow-up from GiveDirectly officers. They made sure I received the support, used it wisely, and protected me from potential theft. Their dedication is truly admirable, and I hope they continue to help more people in need."
View Kobilo's