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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I am currently in my fourth year of secondary school, and I am looking forward to completing my education soon. Right now, my focus is on my studies as I have some outstanding fees to settle. I plan to use my transfers to clear these balances. Additionally, in the upcoming years, I aim to build my own house. I intend to start using a portion of my monthly transfer to cover the building expenses. This way, I can gradually purchase the necessary materials until I have everything I need for construction.
Owning a home provides a level of comfort that you don't get when you're relying on others for shelter. Therefore, I am optimistic that I can achieve my dream of having my own house through these transfers."
View Mohammed's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"After completing secondary school, I intend to pursue a college education. However, since my mother cannot afford to cover my tuition fees alone, I am considering poultry farming as an investment. Over the next year and beyond, I plan to gradually purchase chickens. I chose to invest in chickens due to their fast multiplication rate. Once they reach a sufficient number, I will sell them and use the proceeds to acquire goats. I believe that by raising goats and eventually selling them, I will be able to fund my college education."
View Narck's
7 months ago
received a $350 third payment.
"I am optimistic about the upcoming maize harvest on my 3-acre farm. , I expect to harvest around 60 bags of maize. Based on the contractual terms I have with the Kenya Seed Company market is readily available. They typically buy one kilogram at around $90 per bag. This should provide me with a good income that I can use to address my son's high school fees, which have been a concern. Beyond that, I plan to use part of the income to start a cereal-selling business. This diversification of income sources will help enhance my family's financial stability. Even if my crop farming fails in the future, the cereal business should provide a steady stream of profits that can cover our needs. The reliable market for my maize crop, combined with the potential profits from the cereal business gives me hope for a better tomorrow."
View Elizabeth's
7 months ago
received a $27 eighteenth payment.
"The house I am currently living in is in a dilapidated condition. Given the many responsibilities I have with my family, I plan to carry out a few renovations every month until the house is in good condition and safe to live in. To achieve this goal, I plan to save a portion of my transfers in the coming months, which I will channel towards repairing the house. I am grateful for the financial support, as it is helping me take steps toward improving our living conditions."
View Dama's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"My goal in the coming year and beyond is to invest heavily in purchasing goats. I am aware that the financial aid will eventually come to an end. To ensure my financial stability post-aid, I believe that investing in goats will help me remain secure. In the event I need money, I can sell some goats and use the funds to meet my needs or invest in other income-generating projects. I am very appreciative of the financial support from Give Directly."
View Kachimbi's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"My son's house recently collapsed due to heavy rains and strong winds. He is currently sleeping in a makeshift structure, enduring cold conditions at night. My goal for the coming year and beyond is to assist him financially in purchasing building materials so he can construct a new house. Additionally, I want to build a structure to house my 16 goats to prevent them from being stolen at night.I am grateful for the financial support, which allows me to support my family despite the financial struggles me and my son face."
View Tsetse's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"As I said we have see great change in our area, my plan is to continue creating change in my home. I want to buy animals, I have sheep and chicken but I want goats and cows. This ones will allow me to get to the point where I can stand on my own feet even when the project comes to an end. I want to sell this animals and create a better future for my family by making food and education available."
View Kahindi's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-fifth payment.
"My children are still going to school and as they advance their school fees grows. I want to get ahead of it by preparing. I have 8 goats at home with three being expectant. I have seen my goats reproduce and I believe they will continue reproducing ensuring that they grow in number so that whenever need arises for school fees my husband can sell them and get us the cash to pay. I also want to ensure that I can also buy them school uniform and school shoes when they need them and this will also be facilitated by this animal sale."
View Ndoko's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"My husband is a motorcycle rider. He is employed by someone to run their motorcycle taxi business. He has said on countless occasions how good the business is and after deliberations we decided we shall save for him to get one. we have have saved $300 so far and are less $200 which we plan to save for the next year till we can afford to buy one for him. This will increase his income by 50% as he gives %50 of his earnings to his employer which will be cit out when he buys and operates his own motorcycle."
View Furaha's
7 months ago
received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I am a bachelor who has really wanted to marry and start my family. The only thing impeding me from achieving this goal is my finances. Marrying is not an easy task in our place, if I am unable to pay bride price I cannot get a wife. I recently joined a savings group which I have saved $80 in. I am working on ensuring I save a bit more so that when I have enough money I will be able to marry. I also hoe to use my savings to take care of the family in the first year as it will mean I will have more people to take care of."
View Karisa's