GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I currently intend to achieve my motorcycle ownership goal. I currently charge a fee to transport passengers and luggage on a bicycle. I'm 51 years old and no longer have the stamina to ride a bicycle. As a result, I am unable to make enough money to support my four in-school children as well as my spouse. I've been saving up my prior transfers, and I still have plans to do so in order to hopefully buy a motorcycle in April. It will be a good fit for our household's revenue source because, at the very least, it uses less energy to run than a bicycle and makes more money."
View Kenga's
over 2 years ago
received a $28 second payment.
View Kanze's
over 2 years ago
received a $30 second payment.
View Bendera's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I am a parent of five who are teenagers. Before I was enrolled in this program I had a small grass thatched house that could not accommodate all my children. During the rainy season it was leaking and this destroyed most of my valuable items. Again, in my community grass for roofing is not easily available and so repairing the roof was quiet expensive as I had to source them from somewhere else. I used kshs 40,000 of the transfers to build a very spacious house that could fit all my family members. I also bought a cow for kshs 10,000 for milk production for my family consumption. I am thankful to GiveDirectly for the transfers."
View Gilbert's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"In my opinion, what GiveDirectly does well in this program is that we receive the transfers in lumpsum amounts. This helps in planning as one is in a position to do something huge as compared to when the transfers are given in small instalments.
Another thing that GiveDirectly does well is that the unlearned recipients are taught how to use mpesa. This has reduced the number of theft cases in the community as most of us managed to change our pins to a more secure code.
What needs to be done differently is enrolling all the individuals in the household to avoid household conflict. During enrollment, those individuals who did not have responsibilities by then were left out of the program yet these are the same people who steal from their old and vulnerable parents.
Another thing that needs to be done differently is enrolling all the communities in a specific village for uniformity purposes and this will prevent too many complaints coming from the communities that are left out during the registration to the programs."
View Juniter's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"I have been an orphan for the last three years. Before I was enrolled in this program, I was living at my uncles place since I never had any other place to be in. Immediately I received the transfers I built a house for kshs 30,000 . I am so happy and grateful to GiveDirectly as I have a place to call home now. I used kshs 21,000 to buy a water tank for storage to be used during drought."
View Joice's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
"Currently I am living in a grass thatched house which is too small and not enough for my family. My children sleep at my neighbours house and most of the time they skip taking supper during rainy season to avoid being rained on, besides, most of the homes in my community have no access to electricity and so they have to go so early to avoid moving in the dark. I am planning to build a decent house in the coming one year to avoid such inconveniences.
In the coming year and beyond I am planning to build a kiosk structure by my homestead for starting up a small business of selling groceries and cereals. The profits gained will be for the basic needs like food, clothing and education of our children."
View Winny's
over 2 years ago
received a $435 second payment.
I do subsistence farming like maize and beans to earn a living. In the coming year and beyond, I am planning to buy a larger piece of land for farming so as to harvest as much as possible. I also raise livestock like sheep and chicken although in small number, I am hopeful to add more of them so that in the future I will be selling out some to be used for educating my children who are still in Primary School."
View Richard's
over 2 years ago
received a $231 initial payment.
"When I received my first transfer I was feeling fine because I could not easily get the amount of money that I am receiving from GiveDirectly as help."
View Catherine's
over 2 years ago
received a $244 second payment.
"I have not cash my recent transfer yet but I am plannning to buy Zinc, Nails and Woods for the construction of my new house."
View Lovetee's