GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sidhani's family
access_time 2 years ago
Sidhani received a $431 second payment.
"I hope to accomplish a lot of things . Top on the list is to complete renovation of my house by March this year . I had already completed renovating the walls using the first transfer but the roof is not yet . This will require a sum of $100 . I intend to borrow this money from our merry go round group then pay in instalments . Since my husband is a skilled mason , I will not spend on labour . I hope God will open a way for all these ."
Nyevu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nyevu received a $446 second payment.
"Give Directly does everything perfectly well . It saved my family from hunger and poverty . It gave my husband self employment through the motor bike . It has brought us all the way from a deep hole of darkness ! Thank you so much ! There is nothing to improve since you are already doing a good job. Just keep it up."
William's family
access_time 2 years ago
William received a $446 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does very well by giving support in form of cash. This cash gives everyone an opportunity to choose for themselves what they would want to spend the money on. Looking at how I was able to revive my farming practices as well as meet some of the most immediate needs of my family makes not only me so happy but the whole family as well. I am so grateful to have been part of the beneficiaries of this program."
Nancy's family
access_time 2 years ago
Nancy received a $431 second payment.
"In my opinion GiveDirectly does very well by giving support in form of cash. This cash gives people freedom to choose how to spend the money and prioritize according to their needs. Having cleared school fees for my children and the fact that I was able to seek medication for one of them really gave me some sense of satisfaction. I did not find anything that I thought GiveDirectly could have done better."
Kalu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kalu received a $446 second payment.
"GiveDirectly has changed the lives of so many people in our community. excels at providing dignity and growth to those in need. I pray that they are eternally blessed and that God allows them to continue their good work without ever running out of funds."
Rehema's family
access_time 2 years ago
Rehema received a $431 second payment.
"GiveDirectly funds could not have arrived at a better time. I was in desperate need of funds to expand my house from one to two bedrooms. This not only improved our quality of life, but it also allowed me to complete a task that had been on my to-do list for years. I was also able to purchase a bed, putting an end to my nights of sleeping on the floor. The next item on my shopping list was furniture. We needed seats and a table, which the transfers provided. Food and clothing for the kids were also high on my priority list, so I made sure we had plenty of both. With two children and my husband,Making $5 per day for every casual job he gets, it's clear that it would have taken us years to achieve what GiveDirectly enabled us to do with these funds. I mostly look after our 2-acre farm, where I grow maize and vegetables for domestic use. GiveDirectly has been a blessing to us, and the funds allowed us to save for both our eldest, who is in PP2 at Pentanguo School, and our youngest, who is only 2.5 years old and will begin school soon. GiveDirectly turned out to be the miracle we needed as a family."
Rehema's family
access_time 2 years ago
Rehema received a $431 second payment.
"The bulk funds from GiveDirectly went towards paying school fees for my children. The transfers allowed me to bulk up on food as well. My small business, selling groceries , also got a major boost from these funds, not to mention the funds allowing me to complete paying for my 2 acre piece of land, which will allow me to leave some form of an inheritance for my 7 kids. I say seven, but my two eldest past, though I still consider them my children. My 3rd born just completed form 4, my 4th is in form 4 at Ventanguo Secondary, my 5th is joining class 6 at Mlunguwame Primary, while my 6th and 7th are both in grade 4 at Mlunguwame Primary. While I primarily volunteer as a midwife at Pentanguo in Ganze, it makes it hard for myself and my husband, who does casual labour on construction sites, to meet all the finances such as $150, $1.5, $1.5, $1.5, all in tuition fees for my kids, from eldest to youngest, respectively. We will eternally be grateful to GiveDirectly for all they have been to us."
Kadzo's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kadzo received a second payment.
"GiveDirectly gave me the opportunity to realize many of my dreams and ambitions. I wanted to change my situation numerous times but was unable to do so due to financial constraints. I hope they will continue to help others as they have helped me for many years to come."
Thabu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Thabu received a $446 second payment.
"That is a difficult question. I'm not in a position to say what GiveDirectly does well as a whole, but I can speak to what they've shown me. GiveDirectly has shown me and allowed my family and me to experience dignity, respect, dependability, and honor. My family and I will be eternally grateful to them."
Anjeline's family
access_time 2 years ago
Anjeline received a $446 second payment.
"GiveDirectly excels at identifying those in need and making their dreams a reality. People in our area have purchased livestock, built houses, and so on as a result of GiveDirectly transfers. I have nothing to add to what they do except to ask that they continue to assist us for many years to come."