GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kazungu's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kazungu received a $28 tenth payment.
"The first thing that comes to mind when I close my eyes is building a spacious house for my wife and two children. Our current two-room structure, built in 2002, is becoming small for the my growing family, and am afraid there will eventually be limited privacy in the house. My wife and I have had conversations around constructing a three-room house made of brick walls and a tin roof. To accomplish this, I require at least $1000, which is hard to accumulate given the other financial burdens, like school fees, that I bear. However, my plan is to use every cash transfer from now on to boost my business of buying and selling goats. Increasing my capital, will enhance my profits and eventually grow savings that will fund the project. I would be happy if my goal would be successful by end of 2024."
Dama's family
access_time 2 years ago
Dama received a $28 tenth payment.
"My main objective for this year is to use a significant amount of my transfers to buy goats. My three primary school-aged children are entirely dependent on my husband and me for financial support. Making sure that we pay our children's school fees on time and avoid having them sent home has proven to be a difficult task while working as casual laborers selling charcoal. I'll be planning for their future in education by investing in livestock. If I run out of money and am unable to pay their tuition, I will sell the goats and use the proceeds to cover their costs."
Haziz's family
access_time 2 years ago
Haziz received a $28 tenth payment.
"I intend on investing on my farm this year by buying a couple of farm animals. Ideally, I would have loved to buy a couple of cows, but unfortunately they are quite expensive in the market, and with the money I receive, I cannot afford one. Therefore, I came up with a plan that I would purchase goats, and then eventually, when I had enough, I would go ahead and sell them so that I could buy livestock. I have so far managed to buy four goats, which I'm quite happy about. Apart from that, I will also ensure that I look into your tuition for the family, especially since we're experiencing quite severe climate changes that do not support any farming."
Francis's family
access_time 2 years ago
Francis received a $28 tenth payment.
"When I started receiving cash transfers, I began a project of rearing poultry as an investment. As of now, the flock has around 30 chickens, which requires a larger shed than the space I set aside to occupy the birds in my corridor. Were it not for financial obligations like providing food and school fees for my children, I would have built the shelter before buying the chickens. Gratefully, all is not lost as I hope to use the upcoming cash transfers to construct the shed for my poultry. I hope it is accomplished by December."
Chengo's family
access_time 2 years ago
Chengo received a $28 tenth payment.
"I had been purchasing construction materials with the monthly transfers I receive from GiveDirectly in order to use them in the construction of a new house to replace the old one we are currently living in. So far, I have purchased 16 iron sheets out of a total of 20, and I still need to purchase building poles in the coming months. After finishing the construction, I hope to start a chicken buying and selling business in the coming year. I plan to collect chickens from the local community and sell them at a profit in the nearby markets. With the proceeds from this venture, I hope to expand the business and ensure its long-term viability even after the GiveDirectly program expires."
Jumwa's family
access_time 2 years ago
Jumwa received a $28 tenth payment.
"My top most priority is to ensure that I look after my kids especially when it comes to their education. This is because I want to equip my children so that they can be able to have a better future and stand a chance to make the most for themselves later on. That is why with each transfer I receive I will ensure that I have paid for their tuition fees so that they can remain in school. I am quite happy that with the funds that I have received in the past I was able to build myself a house. Therefore, my next project is to ensure that I invest in growing my farm by buying a couple of goats and poultry."
Kiplangat's family
access_time 2 years ago
Kiplangat received a $430 second payment.
"I have a small young family(wife and children). Before I received the transfers, I couldn't invite guests at home because we were living in a single room and there was no an extra room for guests. With my first transfer, I managed to build some other two rooms which I spend $300 of my second transfer on roofing. Right now, I can invite guests to my home because I have enough space for them. I spend the balance to buy a dairy calf which I can't wait to watch it mature, give birth and earn me some income from selling milk. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for I wouldn't have been where I am today were it not for the transfers."
Cosmas's family
access_time 2 years ago
Cosmas received a $430 second payment.
"I don't have enough land for farming since I only own a small piece of land that I inherited from my father. My goal this year is to save towards purchasing a piece of land so that I can practice farming on it. Achieving this means that I will get additional income from selling farm produce and thus I will be able to provide for my family and support my old parents."
Glara's family
access_time 2 years ago
Glara received a $430 second payment.
"Upon receiving my second transfer, I thought of paying school fees for my two children who are in secondary school. This is because it was the most pressing issue at hand at that particular time because they had pending arrears thus, I used $200 in settling the fees. This was not possible because of our financial responsibilities and low-income streaming in. I am a consistent farmer and my husband is a tractor driver, together we are blessed with four children. Our children had been sleeping in a kitchen house which was smoky and stuffy, therefore we opted to build them a decent house worth $300. Lastly, we bought foodstuffs with the remaining amount. Indeed the support from GiveDirectly came a long way and we are grateful."
Christina's family
access_time 2 years ago
Christina received a $430 second payment.
"In the next one year I hope to accumulate enough money and be in a position to start a small business that will help me sustain the needs of my family. I still have two of my children pursuing their education at secondary level and this calls for much more resources that will help me pay their school fees. With the drought situation that we are currently experiencing, relying on agriculture alone may not yield much and hence the need to think of other investments that will help me raise enough money to pay school fees. I do not expect to get the capital to start this business accumulated at once but I hope to start saving from casual work and farming proceeds as I move towards achieving this."