GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"The purchase of a bed and mattress where I can sleep comfortably is my top priority for this year. My bed is made of sisal twine, which is incredibly uncomfortable. Since I've been sleeping on this bed, my health has suffered. My severe back pain has also caused chest pain. Buying the bed and mattress will help me overcome some of my impediments and consequently improve my health."
View Kahaso's
2 years ago
"I have been sick for two years now. My head I have been experiencing sharp pain on my head. The pain comes together with coughing and spitting blood discharge from the chest. This occurs by weakly. I went for medication at Bamba health centre but the situation still persists. They recommended for a head extray at Kilifi referral hospital but I have not managed due to lack of funds. My health has grown weak over the two years now. This is the challenge I am facing."
View Alice's
2 years ago
"My village has no tap water, we depend on water pans. It is four years now without rain in our village. This has caused severe drought and all water pans have dried up. I walk for 30 minutes to get water from the nearest water pan. Right now I get water from Jila which is approximately 15km away. It takes me around four hours to get water from Jila water pan. Drought is the current challenge I am currently facing."
View Zainabu's
2 years ago
received a $239 third payment.
"Living in this village without any income has been our major challenge. We have been into farming throughout our lives for survival. Sometimes, when we plant our crops, they don't produce well to enable us to sell and be able to pay our children's fees. The money received from Givedirectly was used to enroll some of my children in school the remaining money, I decided to buy zine and planks to start building my new home."
View Emenly's
2 years ago
received a $28 thirteenth payment.
"I want to use a significant portion of the funds I get to pay for my education. I have a total of seven kids who are still in school, and they occasionally get sent home when I am unable to make payments because of a lack of funds. Therefore, my main responsibility is to keep them in school. After that, I will use the funds to pay for food because, as I previously stated, the drought has had a significant impact on our lives and the cost of living is rather high, yet we barely have enough work to support ourselves."
View Zawadi's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"I run my kiosk business in a very small space, so I am unable to stock a large number of items at once. Before the year is out, I want to relocate to a larger area that can hold a lot of things. This will allow me to meet the high demand from customers who want various items. Additionally, I would like to use some of the funds to purchase more inventory for the business, which will ultimately result in enormous profit margins that will enable me to meet the needs of my family."
View Kadzo's
2 years ago
received a $442 initial payment.
"My family of five lives in two separate houses - kitchen and a living room- that is roofed with iron sheets and has walls made of mud. We have an old kitchen structure on the side that has made rainy seasons unbearable due to roof openings that allow rainwater in. When we first enrolled, we intended to build a new kitchen, but we later decided to build a larger and stronger house and convert the current one into a kitchen and proceed to demolish the old hut. We spent $400 on iron sheets, timber, and nails and saved some money for labor charges once the construction work began. I also spent $58 on a sack of maize, which we are currently using as food, and the remainder on new pairs of clothes for my three children, as well as a pair for my husband and one for myself."
View Hellen's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"Being a single parent, I have to prioritize my kids' needs in order to make sure they have all they need. I don't have a home of my own instead, my two children and I reside with my mother. They won't take long to demand a place to call their home. My objective is to save money in order to finance the building of a house. Additionally, I want them to be able to attend all of their classes without being sent home because of unpaid tuition. I intend to save some money, at least $10 every month for a year, in order to accomplish them."
View Rehema's
2 years ago
received a $28 tenth payment.
"I have to give my kids a suitable learning atmosphere if I want to guarantee that they have a good future. This includes making sure their tuition is paid on time and that they have access to all the resources they require to succeed in their studies. By the end of this year, I want to buy ten goats to help me do this. They reproduce and mature more quickly, increasing their profitability. They can also withstand the drought here. I thus think that once I accomplish this goal, paying the tuition fees for my children won't be a problem in the future because I will be selling some of them anytime I won't be able to pay for their tuition."
View Josephine's
2 years ago
received a $28 sixth payment.
"My current priority is making sure I build a new house by the end of the year. The one in use right now is only one room, however it is outdated and has holes all over the roof. The walls are also in poor condition, and I am concerned that if I do not take the appropriate steps, the house may collapse and harm me in the event of a strong downpour. I've already purchased five iron sheets, so I'm confident I'll reach my goal before the end of the year."
View Tsetse's