GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Mary's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Mary enrolled.
"The biggest hardship was when I lost my husband and he was our bread winner."
Pamela's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Pamela enrolled.
"The achievement I am proudest of is that when my husband died, he left me without a house in the village but I managed to save the little cash that I got from my business which I used to build my house."
Benter's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Benter enrolled.
"The achievement we are proudest of is the fact that my husband got some small casual job that he does and through this we are able to get food for our young family."
Joel's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Joel enrolled.
"I would say, being a peasant farmer is my proudest achievement because farming is the main source of my livelihood."
Jecinter's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Jecinter enrolled.
"My biggest hardship has been to find food that is enough to feed us because I don't have a parcel of land that I can plough inorder to get food."
David's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
David enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I have is that I have a son whom I enrolled in a special school but I cannot afford to raise his school fees because I don't have a reliable job."
Jackline's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Jackline enrolled.
"The achievement I am proudest of was being able to finish my primary level of education without dropping out like my peers."
Roda's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Roda enrolled.
"My biggest hardship has been to raise money that can enable me send my children to college."
Benard's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Benard enrolled.
"The biggest hardship we face is lack of a sustainable income source. We depend on casual labor which is hard to come by."
Joshua's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Joshua enrolled.
"The proudest achievement is that I have built a house."