GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Pamela's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Pamela received a $99 initial payment.
"I plan to buy cement and sand, and cement the floor and walls of my house."
Lizzy's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Lizzy received a $99 initial payment.
"My two children have been sent away from school because of school fees arrears, I therefore plan to pay so that they can continue with their studies."
Joseph's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Joseph received a $99 initial payment.
"I am being rained on in a leaking grass thatched house, I therefore want to buy ironsheet and build an iron roofed house."
Josephine's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Josephine enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that I have worked hard in my business and acquired a number of household items that my spouse left me without at his death. I am proud that even my children are attending a private school."
John's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
John enrolled.
"The biggest hardship I face in life is that I lack money to revive my electronic shop which collapsed due to capital."
Oyonge's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Oyonge enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that I have a family and a business that I get daily income from. I lost my parents at childhood and what I own today is the product of my own strength."
Elida's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Elida enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that l have struggled to educate my children after the death of my husband."
Mildred's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Mildred enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is having started a small business selling fish and the business has enabled me to buy a few household items."
Juliana's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Juliana enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I have faced in life is that I don't have adequate source of income to pay school fees for my children"
Slermina's family
access_time almost 9 years ago
Slermina enrolled.
"Our proudest achievement is that we have been able to construct a house for our family. This was made possible by the savings that I made."