GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Benter's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Benter received a $99 initial payment.
"I am planning to spend it on building my house and pay my daughter's fees."
Jael's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Jael received a $497 second payment.
"GD gives people support directly while other NGOs goes through other people."
Janet's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Janet received a $497 second payment.
"Before I got this money, I had so much stress on how my two children would proceed with their college education;but now am settled as they have all reported and I therefore have no shame of staying at home with them."
Zeldah's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Zeldah enrolled.
"The biggest hardship we face in life is that we lack sufficient funds to feed, educate and take care of the medical needs of our family members because we lack a proper and reliable source of income."
Jane's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Jane enrolled.
"The biggest hardship we face in life is that we have no proper source of income and that affects our ability to educate our children."
Grace's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Grace enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is lack of enough money to support my family's every need. My spouse died quite some time back and I have been the sole breadwinner, this has been quite difficult and they often lack basic items essential for their wellbeing. "
Hellen's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Hellen enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is lack of enough money to build a better house for my family. My current house is dilapidated and I fear that it might collapse anytime."
Magarita's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Magarita enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is hunger. My only source of food is my farm but it is too small to cater for my family. "
Rose's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Rose enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is lack of enough money to adequately buy food for my family and also pay school fees for my children. My children might have to sleep hungry as well as drop out of school if I do not get any assistance soon."
Monica's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Monica enrolled.
"The biggest hardship that I face right now is ill health. This has hindered me from running my business and thus I can hardly afford to provide basic needs for my family."