GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Elizabeth's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Elizabeth received a $475 third payment.
"I have a new goal of starting a small business."
Lilly's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Lilly received a $493 second payment.
"My life has improved because now I have a reliable source of income from the business I opened."
Esther's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Esther received a $493 second payment.
"l can now accesses water easily since l had a lot of problem about water."
Caren's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Caren received a $493 second payment.
"My life has changed so much because my business is doing well and l am getting daily income."
Nancy's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Nancy received a $475 third payment.
"I spent 40,000 KES of my second transfer on buying bricks.I also bought 2 lorry's of sand at 5,000 KES,maize and clothes for my children."
Samson's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Samson received a $493 second payment.
"GD is gives the cash directly to the recipients without any corruptions involved and never asks to be paid back but other organizations' officers take what's meant for the poor and they also give the help in form of loans."
Maurine's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Maurine received a $475 third payment.
"We bought timber, build a house and a fish bought with the entire second transfer."
Japheth's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Japheth received a $493 third payment.
"Life has become easier after restoring my fallen business. I now have a source of income for survival."
Joyce's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Joyce received a $493 second payment.
"GD gives cash direct to recipients without going through any other person while other NGOs gives cash through local authorities."
Carolyne's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Carolyne received a $493 third payment.
"My life different than it would have been if I never received the transfer because I have a spacious house."